I slapped it back down, shoving at him with a curse. He chuckled and simply watched me. He was holding the dagger out, the sharp tip in his grip, the glistening handle jutting toward me.

“You seriously think I’m going to fuck myself with my own knife?” I spat, ready to get up.

He didn’t flinch. Instead, he grabbed his phone and flipped to an image that made me pale. Randall was sitting beside an elderly homeless man. His smile was radiant as he helped him open the package I had left, and tears of happiness streamed down both their faces when they looked around and saw all the others opening their gifts.

“You’re a generous little princess to your dwarves, aren’t you?” he mocked, running his hand over my cheek and tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

I ground my teeth together, feeling like they would surely shatter.

“I could always do it for you,” he offered, his raspy tone sending chills down my spine as he whispered them in my ear.

He was watching me, watching my people and my friends. I started to put the pieces together and realized this man was my stalker. The one who left dead bodies for me to clean up and fucking paper apples littered around my home.

“Did you jack off in my underwear, you creep?” I said, putting the puzzle pieces together too.

He gave me a wicked grin. His eyes glittered with approval at my knowledge of the full picture.

“I tasted you, Little Shadow. You taste so sweet and warm. I must admit I’m not used to wanting someone so much, and I hate you. You’ve been the bane of my existence for a while now. Stalling my operations and taking down big numbers that I have in my control.”

I studied him, trying to find a lie in his words.

He was telling the truth. Which meant he would kill Randall if I didn’t satisfy his sick fantasy.

“Why not kill me now then?” I challenged, snatching the dagger from him at last.

He laughed this time, a genuine musical sound.

“Silly girl. We both know that would lead the police right to my door. I’m not going to make things easy for you.”

I cursed under my breath. Clearly, he wasn’t going to come close enough for me to take him down.

The image of Randall and the homeless people so happy with their gifts flashed in my mind. I sighed, and with a glare filled with all my hate and ice, I met Lucius Vasiliev’s gaze, making sure he could see me in all of his mirrors as I lifted up my dress and pushed the handle of my blade into my core.

Seeing my Little Shadow gasp at her unexpected pleasure had my cock swelling in my pants. A surprising but visceral growl escaped from my lips. I was enraptured, watching the handle slide back and forth inside her tight little pussy. Her anger was swirling in her eyes, like flecks of concrete cracking in the irises.


I moved closer to her, my movements steady and slow, assuring she didn’t startle.

“You’re a psychopath.” She followed each of my steps with those eyes, her breathing picking up and her hand stilling just slightly.

Offering her a shit-eating grin, I returned, “Awe, thank you, baby, but I prefer creative.”

The dreamy glaze in her eyes started to sober, and her sounds turned robotic. I locked my eyes onto hers, grabbing the knife’s sharp belly and feeling the slice in my palm as she halted completely. The handle was halfway inside her. The inner edge glistened with her wetness.

“That’s not how this is going to work, moya malen' kaya ten',” I growled. “If you don’t make that little cunt weep…the deal is off. You’ll leave here with nothing but uncertainty about when I will strike your little castle.”

Her silence felt heated, though her body was as still as stone.

“Now,” I said, my tone calmer, silky, charged. “You’re going to let yourself feel this.”

I tested the handle, slowly pushing the blade into her sex—a breath’s distance from her quivering chest. My need grew with each beat of her heart, to kiss her, to feel those soft lips on mine…I wondered if they felt as soft as her skin.

Does her tongue taste as sweet as her core?

“Fine,” she whimpered, knocking me from my thoughts.

Her breathing was coming out in little pants. I could feel it on my face, tickling my lips and blowing my hair away from my eyes.