“Oh, what a sweet ass,” the wheezy guy crooned, a stinging smack landing on my bare bottom.

I glared, letting the ice complete its seize over me.

The small pocket on my dress was reachable. I only needed to distract these buffoons.

“Put me down, and I’ll give you a show,” I offered, trying to purr as best I could.

I watched their eyes in the dim light, and every pair of eyes ogling me shouted ‘violence.’

Good. ‘Cause I was ready to play.

The meathead boss placed me on my feet. Stepping back a small step, I used my feet to find my shoes and leaned over, ensuring my bare ass was on full display. The men hooted and groaned.

I gagged in my mouth and grabbed my shoes. With two quick snaps,I broke off the heels of my stilettos.

Spinning around to face the men, I ran at the two smaller guys, embedding my heels in their necks. Blood leaked from their wounds and their mouths as they went down in unison.

The other two men fumbled with their unlatched belts when I leaned down to grab my shoes, trying to recover from the shock of what had just happened. Holding their arms out to shield themselves almost made me chuckle. I grabbed my needle from my pocket and reached for the wheezy guy. Grabbing his shirt, I slammed the metal into his chest.

“You bitch!” Wheezy coughed, his breaths coming out even more with that awful hiss.

The last man, the boss, ran at me like a bull, roaring in rage at his comrades’ death. Feeling the air shift, I knew where he was and sidestepped him. A low growl sounded from behind me as I spun on my heel.

This was gonna hurt.

The leader tackled me like a fully suited-up defensive lineman. Accepting the dizzyingcrackon my head, I hit the ground and felt the hilt of something shoving into my side. Reaching down, I snagged it. It was a knife.

Perfect timing…

Turning it around, I waited for him to slam down again on top of me. His knife was pointed up, and I slammed it into his chest as he fell. His immediate gargling gasp filled the night air as he flipped over.

“Y-you?” he managed, his mouth filling with blood as the haunting realization of his death hit him.

I smiled and stood up. Stepping by his head, I looked down at him, wanting to see his remaining breaths. His mouth and chest were painted entirely with blood—the perfect color of red.

“Yep. It’s me. Enjoy your eternal slumber. Another justice awarded, another life saved, another death avenged.” I blew him a kiss, watching as he flinched. The full understanding finally clicked in his brain.

“Snow Whi-White.”

I hated that stupid name. Cops were too blasé. Naming me after a fairytale princess gave the wrong impression to young girls. Then again, maybe not. The Grimm brothers sure told the tale in its true glory. I certainly didn’t think the animated version was much better than me. They murdered parents in front of children, for crying out loud. At least I killed the bad guys.

At this moment, I was more like Cinder with no ‘Ella’ added. My poor shoes were ruined, and I realized my dress was too.

Very well, I guess I’m wearing flats.

Ducking back into the club, I ran to the bathroom, where I found a random girl passed out in the corner.

Thank you, Fairy Overseerer….

Also, it was convenient as hell because I didn’t feel like cleaning blood off my dress. I stripped her out of her gown and pulled it up my body. It was a dingy yellow color, and it clashed with my hair.

Sighing, I shook my head, pulled myself together, and walked out.

To my surprise, the man from that corner was outside the door. His face was lit up by the overhead lights that were stationed by the bathrooms. Up close, I could make out his features better. He was fucking gorgeous. Every bit the heartbreaker rich boy, his nice gray tailored suit, suggested.

“I liked you better in red,” he stated. His lazy tone confirmed my playboy suspicions. He leaned against the wall, staring at me and twirling a card in his hand.

I narrowed my eyes at him.