Snow White wasn’t with her poor dwarfs tonight.


I crouched down, cramming myself in the small space. My size made this tent look like a clown car. My knee jammed into the corner of something hard and pointy. Reaching around, I felt its shape. It was a book. Did my Little Shadow like to read?

I wondered what she read about. Pirates and dragons? Boring-ass non-fiction, or a princess getting woken up by a handsome prince?

I laughed at the thought, an image of a ruthless killer with her nose shoved in a book.

How human of her.

Leaving that for now, I ran my hands along the tent floor again, finding some extra clothing. I picked it up, and a light perfume of citrus and jasmine filled my nose. It certainly didn’t reek like the vapid females who came to my club. I still couldn’t scrub off the latest crap off my dick.

My Little Shadow smelled pleasant—a calming, earthy scent. Intrigued, I dug around further and found a smaller piece of clothing. Putting it to my nose and inhaling, I was surprised to find my cock swelling again. I thought the intricacy with how the shadow handled her prey was what had the appendage kicking before, but now…

The scent on the item was the unmistakably sweet aroma of her pussy. Rubbing my fingertips along the inside, I couldn’t stop myself from sliding those fingers into my mouth. A groan escaped my lips, and I had to resist the urge to grind my hips. Never had I tasted such a flowery, sweet center. I was reminded of lilacs or lilies.


The fabric in my hand was so small that I imagined how tiny her waist must be under that ugly-ass baggy sweatshirt she always wore, how slender her stomach was, and how lined the ridges of her hips were. I would bet that those worked like a map to that sweet cunt.

My body shivered. Strangely, the bubbling rage I felt earlier was masked somehow with this vibrating heat spreading everywhere. It had me sweating.

“Fuck,” I moaned, pushing the panties into my jean’s pocket.

I continued my search, looking for a weapon or more of those satin smooth panties, but I couldn’t feel anything else. There was a small, itchy, textured pillow and a scratchy blanket, but I didn’t give a fuck about any of that.

My cock throbbed. The damn thing wouldn’t stop—the pulsing sent painful twinges to my balls. I wasn’t going to walk back to my club with a raging hard-on.

This was just ridiculous.

Laying back with my feet hanging out of the small little tent, I unzipped my jeans and freed the unrelenting bastard.

Her perfume was a goddamn drug to me, and the small space made the smell of her a thousand times more powerful. I closed my eyes, wrapped her panties around myself, and started stroking.

I never could get a good look at my Little Shadow. The only glimpses I’d ever managed were short and blurry. Even a few nights before, her image was in the darkness, as opposed to her smile, which was like the sun. I knew she had light blonde hair. The golden, sun-kissed strands reached down to her luscious ass. I imagined how soft they felt and how she’d whimper when I grabbed her locks, wrapping them between my fingers and pulling hard, making her arch her back for me.

Would she be surprised? Would she be disobedient and try to pull away, or would she like it and rock back harder on my cock?

I hoped she disobeyed. I wanted to force her. I wanted to push her pretty pouty lips down on my dick and make her choke on my come again and again. I wanted to feel what she could do and watch her eyes as she brought me closer and closer to my release.

Cry for me, baby.

I really wanted to see her eyes. Were they brown? Green? Blue? I needed to know. I needed to see them water and pour tears down her pale cheeks. I stroked myself harder. The images of her growing more persistent and moving faster. I felt my balls draw up and my chest tightening.

Would she scream to god? No, it wouldn’t be god pleasuring her. It would be me. If she dared give another man credit, I’d punish her harder.

How many times would she come? Five? Maybe eight? I’d make sure to make her count out loud each time that tiny pussy clenched my dick. The orgasm ripped from me. My body coiled like a cobra, releasing with a guttural cry of relief, the orgasm ripped from me.

Holy fuck.

Well, that was new. I stared down in shock at my coated hands and her soaked, dark underwear. Grinning and still a bit shaky, I returned my come-drenched present where I’d found it. It would be hilarious to see her later—confusion and anger on her pretty face at what possibly happened in her little shack of a room.

I would make sure to get a nice view.

My kill could wait. It was time to watch the Little Shadow and her emotions. I wanted her steaming. She would already be fuming from relieving her of her kill, so I wanted to see how she responded to having her castle invaded. I would infiltrate every aspect of her life, taking her apart piece by piece.

Sleep well, Little Shadow. Enjoy my gift.