She must have gotten fed up because as the blubbering fool continued his “Give Me Mercy” speech, my Little Shadow grabbed a plastic knife from a sandwich bag on the ground beside her and began cutting off the fool’s tongue.

“The mercy I have given is for my ears,” she told the man, picking up his tongue and unknowingly chucking it in my direction.

A squishing sound echoed through the night as the piece of muscle fell to the ground. Picking it up, the pink bloody texture felt light in my hand. Tossing the useless piece of flesh in the water, I looked over at her.

She handcuffed the mute mess to a small cart before slamming her sexy black boot into his face. Once he was passed out, Snow White rubbed the side of her face and closed her eyes. She often got headaches. Using her little hands, she rubbed her temples, moaning.

My cock twitched again, and the feel of her massagingmyaches invaded my mind.


The bitch didn’t deserve to even look at me, much less stroke me…still, the phantom feeling of her hands made me groan. I glanced down at the placement of my palm. Cursing, I shook my head and dropped my cock as I watched the Little Shadow lay down in her small tent. She had stripped off her bloody clothes and only had on a lacy black bra and panty set.

Naughty, Little Shadow, you’re giving me a show.

Slowly sneaking closer to her tent, I bent low and ducked inside her tiny space.

Waiting for a few moments for her soft snores to fill the air, I raised my eyebrow when a god-awful sound arose from her. It sounded like a combination of a Gollum and a dragon, and I swore the tent shook every time she opened her mouth. Damn, she needed to shut up. Smiling, a delicious idea formed as I stared down at my throbbing cock. I knew a few ways to make that happen.

Carefully, I slid my thumb into her mouth. Opening it slightly, I angled her chin up. The pure feeling of her soft skin on my hand made me practically vibrate.

“That’s right,” I said, staring at her face, lit by the moon. Sliding inside her, I groaned softly. “You should have shut that pretty mouth of yours, because now I am going to fill it up for you. Open wide, princess. Your prince is here.”

Iwoke up to the sound of clanking. My little guest must have woken up from his nap.

“Mmmmrrr ffffaa.”

Sitting up and unzipping my tent, I swallowed hard. My mouth tasted slightly sour like chlorine. I ran my fingers over my lips, the sensitive sensation leaving goosebumps down my back. Why was my mouth so sore?

Whatever. That was a situation to figure out later. I needed to check on the status of last night’s work.

Making my way over to my prisoner, I could see he was still chained up. His handcuffs were attached to a metal boat hook by the dock. His muffled sounds were just annoying now. I’d cut out his tongue when he’d refused to give up the location of his friend at that diner. I hated leaving loose ends, so I needed to go back there and track him down.

Glancing around at my surroundings, I took in the abandoned space. It had been this way for years, and the homeless had taken over.

I wasn’t homeless. I could buy some useless fancy mansion if I wanted, but I didn’t. By stealing the identities and the credit cards of all my kills, I was able to drain every last drop of currency from their bank accounts. Most of the time, I could snag only a few thousand, but other times, I got ahold of a drug lord or even a higher-up cartel member.

Large amounts of green rained on those days, and even though I didn’t give a shit about any of the money, it made it easier to get things done and provided silence. For me, that was most important, especially when situations happened, like the scuffle last night.

Oh, and I’d dropped my fucking dagger.

It was his fault that I dropped it. He ran off like a bitch after my attack, and the continuous clipped whimpering of this nuisance was burning a hole in the memory of gripping my blade.

It was my favorite paintbrush, so to speak. The handle was carved with an intricate pattern of a crown, the end ruby red, the color of the blood I loved to spill.

It had been given to me by my father. He had always loved to call me a princess. He’d hand-carved the metal before he died of cancer. I wondered how he would see me now, realizing I was never the princess but instead always the villain.

The police were no doubt sniffing around and found it by now, so I couldn’t chance going back yet. However, I couldn’t be left without a weapon. The plastic knife did all right last night, but now I had no way to cut my sandwiches.

* * *

About thirty minutes later, I headed toward the hardware store. A black shape ran past me. I followed it into the alley, wary of my surroundings and a strange heat bloomed on the back of my neck.

Someone was watching me.

Out of nowhere, a trash bin rattled on the opposite side of the alley. Freezing in place, I glanced at the metal lid when I heard a tiny “Meow.”

“Awe, Hi, kitty,” I crooned, walking toward the cute ball of black fur. “Were you the one watching me?”