Once and for all.

* * *

I arrived at the hangar. The helicopter was tan with black markings, sleek-looking just like its owner. In scrawled handwriting on the side of it, the name read, “Kotva Vasiliev.”

This was the helicopter that Lucius spoke about that night. The one he said he’d take the girl in and find whatever they were seeking. Pulling the symbol from my pocket, I traced the weird edges with my fingertips. Putting it away, I grabbed the helicopter manual and read about the engines.

Taking my knife, I sliced a wire from the control panel and closed it up. The sound of a large metal cranking had me cursing. The door to the hanger was opening. Not wanting to lose the element of surprise, I opened the helicopter door and dove into the back. There was a little hatch there, and I hid inside it.

I could hear mumbled voices: Lucius, his guards, and a female.


The voices stopped when they got to the helicopter. The hatch door was cracked open, and I wasn’t able to close it fully.


“Reggie, did you leave my heli open?” Lucius said, his voice suspicious.

Reggie mumbled something like he didn’t think so, and Lucius laughed, popping it open fully. Hidden in the hatch, I held my breath. Lucius’s hot stare burned through me.

“Change of plans boys. You ride separately. Take the Money,” he said.

Fuck! Did he see me?

“I’m going to take Eili myself. We’ll meet you at the coordinates.” His tone didn’t leave room for argument. His soldiers simply walked away, their footsteps echoing as they went off into the distance.

The helicopter shook, the big bad serial killer hopping into the pilot’s seat. Then, the aircraft barely bounced as he loaded up his passenger.

“Reggie did my preflight check earlier. We’re cleared,” he said to the girl, but there was no response in return.

I turned my gaze to the control panel, knowing the wire had been sliced.

How the fuck was this going to go.

Firing up the helicopter, I watched my sister hang on frantically to the top edge. She was terrified—her normal tan complexion was pure white.

“Eili, it’s okay,” I offered, reaching over and squeezing her knee. “I’m here, and I will make sure no one ever fucking touches you again.”

She shivered at the rage in my voice but nodded. My promise, my blood.

“Who is this girl?” I said, not knowing a fucking thing on the rando. “I’m flying my ass to Boston to get—”

“Markus…” she stopped, flinching at even the sound of his name. It broke my heart to see my fiery sister so…muted.

“He took a girl to the warehouse,” she said.

I furrowed my brows, not wanting to think of that place and the horror it held for my sister.

“I don’t know her name, but she managed to escape him,” she continued. I was intrigued. My sister was a fucking fighter. She had been held captive for so long because of their consistency in drugging her.

She fidgeted, picking at the skin on her nail. This detoxing cold turkey was her idea, and it was so painful to watch.

“I don’t remember much. I was being used in another room,” she said. My jaw clenched so hard I felt my teeth nearly crack.

“I could hear a fight. The girl ran. She was free.”

I knew there was more to it, or we wouldn’t be in the air now.