I caught sight of a pamphlet. It held the smiling face of an arrogant devil on the front.

“Son of a bitch!” That was the devil…standing in front of me like it was no big deal. Ugh!

Scrambling to the window, I gawked around until I spotted him. He was swaggering back into his damn club, and I was sure he was floating on a cloud of his own ego from knowing I had to be the cop demanding to see his rude ass.

Pedro eyed me, but whatever. Curiosity and confusion mangled into one thought as I swore louder at the window and started tapping on it. “You bastard!”

After a few deep breaths, I turned back to Pedro. “Sorry, I need to go.”

He nodded, an odd smirk on his face. I’d have to think about his reaction later, and I took off, sprinting after Lucius, mother fucking, Vasiliev.

* * *

Arriving at the doors, I screamed at Vasiliev, who saw me and winked while signaling for his meat-head bodyguards to shut the door in my face again. I shrieked. Anger flooded through me. This fucker wasn’t going to get away so easily.

I crept around the alley, wrinkling my nose at the images of those guys being murdered here prior. Crouching down, I planted my butt on the cemented ground and prepared to wait all night until the asshole left the place.

A few hours later, my resolve was fading, and I was about to leave with my tail between my damn legs when a masculine cry sounded from the other side of the door toBlack Mirrors. The sound was muffled, but I was indeed hearing the cry of pain. Another shriek sounded. It wasn’t just one person but multiple. Was I hearing female screams mixed in there, too? Damnit, I was…

Alarmed, I peered through the glass of the door. Blurred images of a dark-skinned man, bleeding and tied up near the bar, came into view. He was being worked over by a dark shadow, rendering more of those screams.

What the fuck?

Pulling the pin from the dress, I twisted it and used it to pick the lock on the door. With a silent click, it gave way and popped open. The cries of the man continued to echo off the walls as I crouched in the corners, moving closer to his location.

“This hurts me, too, little dwarf.” I heard a faint voice say. “For once, I don’t want to do this, but she’s taunting me, my friend, and I can’t have that.”

The dark bronze-skinned man coated in crimson-red blood said, “You ain’t gotta do this, man. I didn’t do anything to you. Please.”

The shadowy figure sighed, straightening his back before walking out of the bar area. He kept going until he through a random door in the corner of the room near the dance floor. My heart pounded as I grabbed my boot knife and walked toward the battered male.

“What?” he whimpered when he finally saw me leave the safety of the shadows.

He wept even harder. I was his rescue. His reaction made me think that he felt sincere relief in his soul. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice breaking.

I smiled weakly. “You have nothing to apologize for. Shhh….”

He tried to quiet his sobs, helping untie his feet as I sliced the rope off his other hand.

“Who did this to you?” I whispered, releasing the last of the binds and helping him to his feet.

He gave me a scared look before his gaze shifted toward the room where the shadow had disappeared. I gave him a gentle squeeze and pointed to the back door I had opened, putting my finger to my lips as he gave me an apologetic grin one last time and shuffled for the door.

I stepped back into the shadows, my back plastered against the wall, a damn mirror reflecting my image back at me and bouncing off another mirror across the way.

I’m a sitting duck here.

My survival instinct grappled with my need for justice as I finally turned my back, approaching the door I had entered.

Nausea bubbled in my throat, and I felt the awful sensation of dizziness creep over my body. It finally froze me into place right outside the door’s entrance.

What is happening to me?

I tried to shake it off and keep running, but my legs felt like cement was starting to leak into them, and I knew then that I wasn’t going to make it.

Oh god, had I been drugged?

My vision began to fade, black spots dancing in front of my eyes. I felt my body slam forward, smashing my ribcage into the dumpster.