Finn had spent the last twelve days trying to lose himself in work and spending time with Darcie and her family. But he still found his thoughts straying to Ellie whenever he had five quiet minutes. He was worried about her and for more than one reason. He was concerned about how she was coping with what she’d found out about her parents and also about what had happened between them.

He'd replayed that kiss over and over in his mind, his heart beating hard when he recalled how it felt to hold Ellie in his arms and to have her soft lips against his. It was something he’d thought about in the past, of course it was, but not something he’d thought would ever happen. And then it had and he was overwhelmed by how good it had been.

But… he’d pulled back because the last thing he wanted was to take advantage of Ellie while she was struggling with other issues. She needed a friend not someone confusing her even more. And, ultimately, though he hated to admit it, Finn was scared. He’d been hurt once and he didn’t want to risk being hurt again.

If Ellie was confused right now then her behaviour might be down to a reaction to that confusion and not something she would choose to do when thinking rationally. Finn was afraid to trust his instincts because he’d been wrong before and didn’t know if he could manage to deal with being wrong again.

Darcie had tried to speak to him about Ellie but he hadn’t been able to articulate his feelings, had, instead, shut her down and asked that she give him some time to think about it all. His sister cared about him, he knew that, but this was something he needed to figure out on his own.

Whatever happened, he still wanted to be Ellie’s friend. He was certain about that because he knew he didn’t want to lose her from his life again.



Ellie turned from side to side in front of her bedroom mirror. Perhaps a zombie bride wasn’t the most original costume she could have chosen but she’d been able to create it with some of the things she’d found in the attic. She was wearing an old cream nightdress that she’d spattered with fake blood, had pinned a piece of net curtain that she’d stained with a used teabag to her hair and underneath the nightdress she was wearing her comfortable knee-high boots. She’d left her hair down and had curled it with the tongs then backcombed it to make it messy, drawn thick black kohl around her eyes and smeared her lips with a purple lipstick. She didn’t look like herself at least, and that would have to do. She took a few selfies in the mirror and sent them to her children then padded downstairs to grab her coat.

In the kitchen, Willy and Cleo were finishing off a plate of sardines that she’d put down for them. They looked at her and blinked as if surprised.

‘It’s all right, guys, it’s still me. I’m just dressed up for a Halloween party.’

She opened the back door and gave them both a stroke then they jogged off along the garden, presumably heading for home. She’d decided she would put a cat flap in the back door so the cats could come and go as they pleased because it was getting too cold to leave the door open now and she didn’t like the thought of them being trapped. She’d found out by asking in the village shop that they belonged to Lila and Ethan Morris who lived a few doors down on Sunflower Street, and knowing that the cats didn’t live far away was nice.

When she’d put her coat on, she placed the plastic pumpkin of sweets on the doorstep for trick or treaters to help themselves then left the cottage and made her way to the village hall for the fancy dress party.

On the way there, she saw lots of villagers who were also dressed up. There were more zombies, witches, vampires and characters from horror movies. It was a proper village affair with whole families in fancy dress. She didn’t even recognise a lot of them and hoped she would recognise Darcie when she saw her because she was meant to be meeting her at the village hall.

Her stomach fluttered with nerves as she got closer. When Darcie had asked her, while they were working at the shop, to come to the party, she’d initially been reluctant. It had been two and a half weeks since she’d seen Finn and while they’d exchanged a few brief text messages — him asking how she was and her replying that she was fine, thank you very much — she hadn’t seen him in person. She’d done everything to avoid seeing him because, she kept telling herself, it would be easier to work out exactly what she was feeling and only time and space could help with that. Yes, Darcie had told her that she thought Finn had feelings for Ellie but as the days wore on, she wasn’t convinced. Surely Finn would have been knocking on her door if he did regret pulling away from that kiss? Surely he’d be keen to see her to discuss things and to find a way forwards? Perhaps Darcie had got it all wrong and Finn actually didn’t have any romantic feelings for Ellie at all.

Outside the village hall, she paused for a moment to admire the decorations. The hall itself was decked out with giant cobwebs that hung over windows and doorways. Pumpkin string lights had been draped around the trees and lamp posts outside and real carved pumpkins sat on the picnic tables, candles glowing at their centres. Music drifted through the doorway and there were two street food vans parked nearby, one selling hot dogs and pizzas and the other selling pumpkin soup and spiced pumpkin lattes. Despite her nerves, she felt a flicker of excitement at being in the village for this event and vowed to make the most of the evening, come what may.

* * *

‘Ellie!’ Darcie flung her arms open and hugged her as soon as she entered the main room of the village hall. ‘You look adorable.’

‘So do you.’ Ellie hugged her friend back then stepped back to look at her outfit.

Darcie was dressed as Morticia Addams, while Ross was Gomez, Cole was Pugsley and Mille was Wednesday. Their costumes were brilliant and she asked if she could take some photos to send to her children. She also thought it would be nice to have a photo printed out for Darcie and her family to keep and that it might make a good Christmas gift for them.

‘Do you want a drink?’ Darcie asked.

‘I’d love one. What are you having?’ Ellie asked.

‘Let’s drop your coat off at the cloakroom then go and see, shall we?’ Darcie took Ellie’s hand and led her to the corner being used as a cloakroom near the door then to far end of the hall where there was a refreshments table. While they waited in line, Ellie read the sign above the table and tried to decide what to have.

‘Any thoughts?’ Darcie asked.

‘I’m kind of torn between a poison apple cocktail, boozy butterbeer punch and a black magic margarita.’

‘Mmm. They all look good.’

‘I think I’ll go for… the black magic margarita.’

‘Good choice. I’ll have the same.’

When they reached the front of the queue, Darcie ordered three cocktails, one for Ross too, then they waited while the scary clown mixed the drinks.

‘That’s Fletcher Walker,’ Darcie said grinning.