In the kitchen, Ellie set her bags down on the table then waited while Darcie finished her phone call in the hallway.
‘Sorry about that,’ Darcie said as she came to Ellie’s side. ‘I’m having one of those days.’
‘Anything I can help with?’
Darcie chewed at her bottom lip. ‘Oh… I don’t like to ask.’
‘Try me.’ Ellie smiled. ‘I’m happy to help if I can.’
‘You don’t have a job yet, do you?’ Darcie asked. ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t sayyetbecause perhaps you don’t intend on getting one. I mean, you said that you’re OK financially.’
Ellie nodded. ‘I have money from the sale of the family home and don’t need to pay a mortgage or rent now because my aunt left me the cottage. I’m in a very lucky position. I did have my job in Watford at a library and I loved it but I didn’t fancy the commute from here.’ She grinned to show she was joking. ‘To be honest, there were memories there too from my time as a married woman and I wanted a completely fresh start so gave the job up. There was a waiting list of people who wanted a job there and so I figured it was a positive thing to do for other people. Who wouldn’t want to work at a library, right?’
‘Of course.’ Darcie inclined her head but she looked like she was far away, lost in her own thoughts.
‘So what can I help you with?’ she asked, realising that she’d digressed.
‘I don’t suppose you fancy working atDragonfly Dreams, do you? At least temporarily even if you don’t fancy it permanently.’
‘Wow! I’d love to work with you. What’s happened then?’
Darcie sighed and pulled out a chair and sank onto it. ‘One of my part timers has quit. I thought it was on the cards but she’s fallen in love and has decided to leave the village so she asked how much notice I need. I know she wants to go asap so I told her not to worry about working her notice. See, she’s also pregnant and not feeling well and she does need to look after herself. That’s part of the problem with me. I love having the shop but I do think I can be a bit of a soft employer. I can’t say no when people need some consideration.’
‘You have a good heart and there’s nothing wrong with that.’
‘I’d never cut it in corporate though. I don’t see how people can ever bejust numbers.’
‘Nor should they be.’
‘You’re right, you’re right.’ Darcie smiled and her expression softened.
‘When do you need me to start?’ Ellie asked.
‘Wonderful.’ Ellie pointed at the kettle. ‘Shall I make us a cuppa?’
‘That would be amazing, sweetheart, thank you. I feel absolutely beat today. We have the fashion show at the village hall tomorrow and I still have things to sort for that.’
‘Well let’s have a cuppa and some blackberry and apple tart and see if I can help with that too.’
‘You know, Ellie, I’m so glad you’ve come back to the village.’
‘Me too.’ Ellie smiled at Darcie and her heart swelled with love and affection. Sometimes in life, things happened at just the right time, and it seemed to her that this was the case with her moving back to Sunflower Street.
Finn let himself in the backdoor at Darcie and Ross’s house and closed it behind him. He walked into the kitchen and called out, ‘Hello?’ He knew Darcie would be here today but didn’t want to scare her by coming in unannounced.
‘Hi, Finn.’ Darcie was sitting at the table with her iPad in front of her as well as a bowl and a mug. Ellie was at her side and she smiled at Finn in a way that made his stomach flutter.
‘Hi Finn,’ Ellie said, and he smiled back at her.
‘Hi both. You look busy.’
‘We’re putting the finishing touches to the plans for the show tomorrow evening as well as stuffing our faces with Ellie’s delicious apple and blackberry tart.’