‘That little one growing inside you right now? You’re going to love him or her like you’ve never loved anyone before.’


‘I know it. So let go of the worries and doubts and embrace this new opportunity that life has given you. I wish your dad was here to share this with you. With us. He’d say the same as me. Life doesn’t always work out the way we think it will but sometimes it gives us gifts we didn’t even know we wanted. I promise that you’ll love this child and won’t have any regrets.’

‘I did the test earlier and couldn’t look at it because my nerve deserted me, so I went for a walk and I bumped into Henry. He was so kind, Mum, and he took care of me.’

Trudy smiled. ‘He has a good heart, that man.’

‘I know. He took me to the bakery and made me a hot chocolate and a grilled cheese sandwich.’

‘I’m glad he was there to help out.’

Perfect timing, Henry, she thought.Well done.

‘Right then, I’m going to make us a cuppa and we can have a chat about what we need to do next.’ She planted a kiss on Alice’s cheek then stood up. ‘I’m not interfering though, Alice, just so you know. Anything you want me to butt out of, you just say the word. But I will help you as much as you need me to.’

‘Thanks, Mum. I don’t know what I’d do without you.’

‘Ditto, sweetheart.’

Trudy picked up her shopping bags and took them through to the kitchen then set them on the table. She took a moment to process what Alice had told her. Yes, it would be hard having a baby without the father around. Unless he decided to be around, and Alice wanted him there. But if not, then they’d make this work. Having a baby was a wonderful thing but it was hard because it was an enormous change in circumstances. But it happened all the time and people managed; people thrived. Whatever happened she would be there to help Alice through it all and she had a feeling that the same could be said of Henry.

The young man just kept rising higher in her estimation.



Alice and her mum walked out of the GP surgery and into the October morning air.

‘Shall we head down to the beach?’ her mum asked.

‘That would be nice. But what about the bakery?’ Alice asked, concerned that her mum might lose custom because of her.

‘Henry has it all under control so don’t worry.’ Her mum took her hand and tucked it into the crook of her arm. ‘I’m here for as long as you need me.’

They walked past the surf shop and the art gallery and soon reached the seafront. The air was brisk near the beach and Alice pulled it into her lungs, gathering comfort from nature. Whatever happened to her, the tide would still come in and go out, day would still give way to night and the wind would still blow. Life would still go on.

They sat on a bench overlooking the beach and Alice’s eyes roamed over the sea, the dark surface punctuated in areas by white froth, the crashing of the waves against the shore, the puffy white clouds that raced across the sky. It was a chilly October day but in her warm coat and hat she didn’t feel cold, just… baffled by the turn her life had taken.

‘Change can be a positive thing, love.’ Her mum took her hand and held it in both of hers. Her skin was soft and warm. ‘Things that seem scary can be good for us. This wasn’t part of your plan but it could be the best thing that’s ever happened to you.’

Alice gave a small nod. The GP had confirmed her pregnancy with a test and said that the next step would be an ultrasound scan to assess how far along the pregnancy was and if everything was all right. Judging from the first day of her last period, Alice was about nine or ten weeks along. And that meant, if all was well, she could have a baby in approximately thirty weeks.

‘Bloody hell, Mum!’

‘What?’ Her mum’s eyes were filled with concern.

‘It just hit me that I could have a baby in around thirty weeks. A real baby that eats and cries and poops and… and… and that needs me.’

Her mum nodded slowly. ‘A baby you will love and who will love you back.’

‘Wow.’ Alice sighed and turned her gaze back to the sea, her thoughts turning to the women who’d found out they were pregnant before her and walked down to this very spot to process the information. In many ways, it was magnificent how the cycle of life continued, how women kept getting pregnant and babies kept being born.

Her free hand strayed to her stomach and she felt something rush through her.

Something she had not expected to feel for a person she had yet to meet.