His unusually sweet words of affirmation pushed my heart into my throat. I spun to face him. “Nick—”
The room was empty. Like a ghost, he’d vanished, leaving no trace of having been here other than the butterflies tumbling in my stomach.
The door pushed open. Like flipping a switch, my entire body lit up. I have no idea how to describe what just happened, but I knew there was no way Nick could’ve walked away from the electricity in this room.
“Good, you’re dressed.” Danny let the door swing closed behind him. One knuckle ran slowly over his lower lip. “Oz damn, I knew you’d look good in emerald.”
I tried not to let the disappointment read too clearly. It was like I’d just dreamed Nick up. If it wasn’t for the way my body was still humming, then I’d have started questioning if I really had.
“You shaved.” I meant it as a statement, but it came out more like a question. Danny hadn’t shaved at all in the weeks we’d been together. “I was just getting used to your mane.”
Danny scowled. “It was a completely normal beard.”
I stroked his jaw—his perfectly defined jaw. I didn’t think it was possible for him to look more stern, but abrasively handsome worked for him. It was probably the endorphin rush Nick had given me because Danny’s gangster chic, with a side of fuck you, was doing all kinds of things to me.
The hardened edge of his expression softened, and he tilted into my hand, placing a kiss to my palm. “I have a gift for you, Firecracker.”
“A gift?” I looked down at my designer clothing, at the expensive shoes sitting beside the bed. I understood what Nick said that this costume was necessary for what we had to do today, but I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to accept something without also wondering when the guillotine was going to drop.
Danny pulled a red velvet box from his jacket pocket. He opened it slowly for me, allowing me to peer into the box at the silver chain connected on either end to a curved, slender silver tube. It was a sophisticated-looking necklace and nothing like the glamorous thing I would have expected him to pick. Even the skirt I was wearing was ostentatious in its own way.
This was much more like something I’d have chosen. It didn’t stand out, but was still a solid statement.
“May I?” Danny lifted the necklace from the box, gesturing for me to lift my hair. “You said you’ve never been given a present. I thought it was time we changed that.” Gently, he looped the chain around my neck. The metal instantly warmed, resting comfortably beneath my neckline. His fingers lingered around my collar, caressing more than was necessary.
I couldn’t help but smile at the small affection. “This really wasn’t—”
“I had this made especially for you by a jeweler here in the E.C.”
I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t find the words. My mouth opened and closed silently.
A gift. A real, no ulterior motive gift. For me.
“It does something special.” With a quick yank, he pulled on the ends of the tube. From one end he pulled a thin ruby-colored stiletto knife. The blade was roughly the length of my middle finger, with the chain dangling harmlessly from the end. The highly polished surface glittered in the light.
“This is so you’ll never be defenseless again. Do you like it?”
I blinked back the tears welling in my eyes. “It’s beautiful.”
“The blade’s made of titanium. It won’t tarnish, and it’s quite sharp. So only pull it out if you plan on cutting something.”
Danny easily looped the necklace and sheathed the lethal pendant.
“What if I decide it’s you that I want to cut?” I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him hard enough that he could feel my gratitude, even if I didn’t know how to express it.
“Then, make sure you cut deep, Princess, because I don’t give second chances."
Chapter 37
Ilookeddownatmy nails and studied the way the jagged edges had grown out in the past couple of weeks. They almost looked feminine again.
“Not long now,” Nick said for the third time.
The deep rumble of his voice echoed off of the marble flooring and pillars. From behind leather-covered tables, people spoke in hushed tones that perfectly matched the austere surroundings.
We’d been sitting on a bench in the lobby for what felt like hours. Long enough that I’d studied every small architectural detail multiple times. My favorite part of the lobby was the massive dome we were sitting beneath. The copper was patinated, and light filtered in streams through small panes of glass at the base.
Thin panes of emerald mica enclosed large hanging lights, giving the entire building a cool glow. Heavy vault doors hung open, their giant locking wheels and bolts reminding all who passed of the impenetrability that lay beneath the glitz.