Page 47 of Dark OZ

Croweeasedmeoffof his lap, then leaned over me to pull a lever on the side of the seat. “Watch your legs.”

A motor whirred, and beneath my feet, the seat began to unfold. Cushions pushed up until the entire back seat was one large, flat bed.

“Your car turns into abed?”

Crowe only laughed as an answer, giving me a knowing smile.

“I don’t care how sweet she tastes and how Oz damn sexy she sounds while coming. Donotfuck her on the backseat of my car,” Danny commanded. His eyes flashed with danger when they finally met mine. That taste hadn’t been enough for him.

“Ourcar,” Crowe corrected, unraveling the bandage from around my center.

“You sound jealous,Dandy,” I added with an exhausted yawn. Nevermind that nobody asked me what I wanted. I wasn’t planning on sleeping with any of them, but then again, I hadn’t planned on anything that had happened in the past week. I certainly hadn’t planned to get off in front of an audience. Crowe had a way of dissolving my defenses, and in their place, a reckless abandon was starting to take root.

I think I liked it.

Crowe eased my body down to the soft upholstery. “Turn on to your stomach for me, Gorgeous.”

Rolling over with a decided lack of grace, I rested my head on my arms. It was like that orgasm had left me an uncoordinated mess of blissed-out exhaustion.

“Nobody is fucking anyone.” Crowe started methodically removing gauze. “You saw her back. That would rip open every one of these stitches.”

“What in the name of Ozma? Fuck, Danny, did you do these bandages with your eyes closed.” His hands ran over me, checking the tape and making a displeased sound. “I, unlike you, actually care about her well-being and am willing to sacrifice to ensure she heals.”

“Yeah, it really sounded like you were sacrificing,” Danny grumbled. Nick laughed. I lifted my head to see what a smiling Nick actually looked like, but whatever joy had graced his features was already gone.

“I think it would be best if we let these breathe for a little while,” Crowe’s hands went from the cuts to prod at my side. “At least it looks like the bruising on your ribs is fading.”

Nick grunted his agreement. “Add some of the cream from the kit.”

“On it.” Crowe flicked open the seatback compartment. Inside were carefully stashed medical supplies for everything from minor cuts to what looked like major surgery.

He rubbed the minty-smelling cream along my battered skin, the coolness of his gliding fingers making me shiver. Once he had cleaned his hands, he brushed the hair from my face and cradled my cheek. “Are you comfortable?”

I nodded, my eyes already drifting shut.

Crowe’s hands hooked into my waistband, unbuttoning and he easing my torn jeans down. My eyes flew back open.

“I have to say your choice to omit undergarments is one I approve of.”

“I’m so glad I have your approval,” I drawled with as much sarcasm as I could muster. “Not a choice, by the way. Danny deleted them from my shopping cart.”

“Not true,” Danny said, turning to shoot me a wink. Asshole. “I bought her a couple different sets of lingerie. She chose to turn down my generosity.”

I propped myself up on my elbows, making sure he didn’t mistake my exhaustion for weakness.“Generosity?”Fucking hell, his arrogance was next level. “Those weren’t underwear, Danny. They were some kind of bizarre red light district torture device. Assless and crotchless are not functional, and they sure as fuck aren’t comfortable.”

“Depends on the function,” Crowe chuckled. He winked at Nick in the mirror, sharing some inside joke between them that had me all kinds of curious.

“Say fuck again, Princess. You know I love when you talk dirty to me.”

Before I could rise to his bait, Crowe threw my discarded jeans at him. Danny tossed them away with a laugh, but it had been enough to dispel the tension rising between us.

Crowe gave my ass an appreciative caress, forcing my heart rate to speed back up. “It should be illegal for a woman to possess both your tits and this ass.”

I twisted towards him, ready to protest.

He put a single finger to my lips. “Shh, darling. We’re done playing…” He paused that thought and made a slow sweep of my body. “For now.” His fingers drifted down my legs and settled behind my knees. “I’m just giving these a once over to be sure Danny didn’t tear them up on the bike.”

“Oh.” I shifted back. My stomach flipped with… disappointment? That was new. Was I actually disappointed that he was caring for me and not trying to recklessly fuck me in the back of a car while his friends watched? My priorities were seriously becoming twisted. Em had starved me of love for so long that I was fawning over the first person to ever show me a bit of kindness. It was pathetic, and my libido was only clouding my judgment. These guys were pretty to look at, but they would sell me out at the first opportunity. I couldn’t forget that.