Page 68 of Dark OZ

It should have riled me. I shouldn’t have wanted the feeling of Crowe’s eyes while Danny flexed within me. Alarm bells should be ringing, but recent events had given me a new need to assert control. I had it taken from me in so many different ways that I was beginning to lose count. But right now, I commanded the full attention of two men, and it made my blood hum with excited energy.

Maintaining eye contact with Crowe, I arched to meet each of Danny’s bruising thrusts. Crowe licked his lips. A familiar burn climbed up my spine, making my pussy clamp down harder.

If he was aware of his friend’s presence in the room, Danny didn’t let on, or he didn’t care. If anything, he became more determined to obliterate what was left of my senses.

Joining the hand circling my throat, I wove my fingers between Danny’s, tightening our grip until the roar of my climax rolled over me. I was a rocket, careening out of my body and demanding that he come with me. With those final thrusts, Danny hit points inside of me that felt like I was slamming into the outer atmosphere.

I slowed my breathing. My throat and mouth were dry, like I’d been panting and moaning, though I couldn’t remember doing either. I craned my head back to ensure the wall was still intact but instead snagged on the emerald blaze of Danny’s eyes.

“Fuck. That was hot.” He drew me to him, kissing me slowly, reverently. “I know I’ve been calling you Firecracker, but I never thought I’d get a front-row seat to watching you explode.”

A too-amused voice floated over from the doorway. “I think my new five- year plan is to see just how many times I can watch Thea orgasm.”

Chapter 31

“I’mmorethanwillingto help in that endeavor,” Danny said against my throat.

The sound of our panting breaths filled the small room. My heart was still racing, driving faster with each soft approaching footstep. By the time the heavy, warm presence of Crowe was beside me, I was dizzy with anticipation.

Using a single finger, Crowe angled my head to look up at him. “You are magnificent.” Bracing one hand on the headboard, he leaned over us and softly kissed my upturned lips.

I ran my fingers over the crow inked beneath the soft fuzz of hair on the side of his head, holding him to me and welcoming the kiss deeper. My other hand fell to Danny’s chest. The solid thump of his heart drummed beneath my palm while Crowe hummed in approval.

My skin tingled in the wake of that kiss. I’d never felt this alive before. Being between these men felt like I’d been living my entire life in black and white, only to realize there was an entire world of color waiting for me.

Crowe’s hand brushed along my side, chasing the shivers elicited by our kiss. One finger traced the underswell of my breast to meet where Danny’s hand was resting against my sternum. Splaying his hand wide, his thumb smoothed over my nipple.

“The thoughts dancing in my head right now, Gorgeous, they’re downright devious.”

Danny’s eyes traveled from where Crowe’s thumb continued stroking my breast possessively to where Crowe was standing bent over us. I tried to read the hardened edges of his expression. It was impossible to tell if the way he stared down his friend was with jealousy or passion, perhaps both.

Crowe scooped my hair back, exposing my neck and shoulder from where the curtain of damp waves had fallen over it. Danny sat up, gently cupping my neck and pressing a kiss to the hollow of the shoulder that Crowe’d exposed.

It was too practiced to have been by accident like they knew what the other would do instinctively. Had they been intimate with a woman like this before, sharing her between them? The image of their lips and burning gazes against another woman’s skin made acid flip in my stomach. I swallowed the sour bite of envy before the fluttering emotion could take root.

The boys descended on me in perfect synchronicity. My lion’s predator lips moved lower at the same time Crowe’s descended to graze the side of my neck. Danny’s cock, still buried deep within me, twitched in a heady reminder of the exact position I’d just found myself in. I closed my eyes, caught somewhere between being overwhelmed and perfectly at ease being wedged between them.

Stars fluttered across my vision, making the room momentarily spin, and I swayed. It was only for a second, but that was all it took to bring reality crashing back down on us. The tension in both sets of hands switched instantly from gentle caresses to holding me steady.

“Of course, you’ve only just regained consciousness, and I...” Crowe’s voice trailed off. The blue of his eyes almost seemed to glow in the low light, highlighted even more by the darkness in his blown pupils. The etched lines of concern sent a confused mess of feelings fluttering in my chest. What did he see to make him look at me like that? Or, more to the point, what had he seen?

Crowe gave me a sad smile, pressing a kiss to my temple.


“You need rest.”

He slipped an arm around me, easing me onto my side, while Danny shimmied out from under me and disappeared into the bathroom. Crowe pulled off his shirt and pants, sliding into the bed behind me.

Danny returned with a warm washcloth and a few packs of sterile bandages. I groaned, seeing him set the now too-familiar supplies on the side table. Not waiting to be told, I rolled over. Resting my head against Crowe’s stomach, he ran his hand through the damp strands of my hair. I closed my eyes, finally acknowledging the bone-deep exhaustion.

A warm cloth ran over my sex, and I yelped in surprise. I was expecting the cloth at my back like always, but this… I didn’t even have words to express it.

“I’m perfectly capable of cleaning myself, you know,” I grumbled into the hard muscles of Crowe’s abdomen, which rumbled with a low laugh. Honestly, the energy was flooding out of me, and I lacked the will to put up a fight.

The wet cloth snapped playfully against my ass cheek. “Ow,” I howled half-heartedly, my laughter betraying any attempts I was making at annoyance.

“Stop being a brat, and just let me take care of you.”