I swiped the display over to the thermal sensors. Four people were working their way towards the eastern wall. In about five minutes they would be trying to smash a window. Ordinarily, it would be impossible to break. The windows were bullet and shatter proof. But whoever this was made it past two previous barriers, in next to no time. They were already prepared to break our security. Which in and of itself was troubling. There was no fire, no explosion, no indication of a cybernetic attack. Meaning they had Crowe or Nick’s phone and were disabling one system after another from the inside.
“There’s a tunnel in the garage,” I said, ignoring the very visible rage pouring from Dorothy. Or maybe that was lust. The flushed cheeks and erect nipples made it hard to tell the difference. Silently thanking myself for deleting the bras from her cart, I palmed her breast through the soft cotton shirt.
Dorothy smacked my hand. “Don’t touch me, asshole.”
Rather than back away as any respectable man would, I used my position to force her against the wall. She let out a cry that was decidedly moan like, sinking her teeth into her lip the moment she realized that her body had betrayed her. So, the little firecracker liked being thrown around. I’d file that bit of information away for later.
“Why would I do that, when you so obviously love it?” Gripping her leg, I pressed my body against hers until the only thing separating us was that thin bit of sparkly fabric. My thumb slid into the slashed jeans, tearing them until I could stroke the soft flesh of her inner thigh. Another perfect addition to her shopping cart. If we had more time I’d be tearing them from her right now. There’s always later.
“Those are my only pants,” Dorothy said, panting hard enough to rock our bodies together, the dilation in her eyes increasing with every brush of my finger. The blackening pupils zeroed in on my lips moments before she grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged my mouth to hers. Kissing her was like eating an entire box of Red Hots at once. The punishing heat battled with the sweetness in a way that left me craving more.
A bright yellow light flashed on my phone. Of all the damn nights to be under siege. On the video feed two more men were scaling the exterior, and headed for the office window on the second floor.
“I hope you’re not afraid of motorcycles,” I said, stealing one more kiss, then lowering her gently to the ground. I probably shouldn’t have been so rough with her, but she wasn’t exactly complaining either.
“I thought you said this place was secure,” Dorothy said looking over my shoulder at my screen. “Since I’ve been here you’ve been hacked and attacked. That doesn’t really feel too safe to me.” Victory lit up her delicate features. I was tempted to leave her bratty ass here just to teach her a lesson.
I pressed a purple button on my screen. It sent a high voltage electric current to the metal siding on the outer wall. The figures jolted, as a deadly level of electricity funneled through their bodies.
“Itissecure. I just don’t have time for games. The boys need me, so get your ass moving toward the garage.”
“Sorry all I just heard was, ‘blah blah blah they needus’.”
“That smart mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble.”
“Nothing I can’t handle.” She flipped me off, her swollen lips pursing into a blown kiss. She didn’t bother waiting for my reply, instead she walked with a clipped step towards my Ducati.
Chapter 17
Dannythrewmeablack motorcycle helmet, which I almost missed catching. I was too busy trying to figure exactly where on that death trap he was planning on my ass sitting. As far as I could see, there was only one seat.
“Hit the button on the side to turn the helmet on. That way, I can still talk to you while we’re on the road.” He hit a similar button on his helmet. The face shield flickered, a visual readout showing on the glass as it connected to his phone.
“Nowyou want to talk?”
He swung a leg over the superbike. It was painted an assaulting shade of red, with a sparkling goldSuperleggeradown one side. It must be worth a fortune. If he had enough money to afford a custom bike like this, what did he need my money for?
The room went dark, yellow safety lights coming to life in the corner of the garage. The power must have been cut to the compound.
“Get on, Firecracker.” Danny’s voice was serious but unhurried. He truly didn’t seem like he was the least bit concerned about the people closing in on us. The low light made fiery streaks reflect off the glossy black surface as he pulled the helmet over his head. He left the visor open so that I could see the devious joy he was getting from my unease. The corners of his eyes creased, and boyish dimples formed along his cheeks. I didn’t know Danny was the kind of person that ever genuinely smiled, but here he was.
“Where exactly?”
He thumbed behind him and rocked his hips as far forward as the bike would allow.
I groaned. There was all of five inches of space behind his broad form. The back half of my ass would be hanging over the tail of the bike.
“I won’t fit on there. Can’t we just take one of those?” I pointed to the sports car.
Danny pulled on a pair of leather gloves. “The tunnel isn’t big enough for a car. You’re just going to have to hold on.”
I slid into the seat, my body having no choice but to mold to his. My arms snaked around his waist. I struggled to find anywhere to hold on as I palmed the solid muscle of his abdomen. Seriously, was he flexing, or was he always this hard?
We rolled toward the corner of the room. The gentle side-to-side movement of the bike already causing my heart rate to spike. Slowly, the walls parted, the headlight illuminating the dark concrete tunnel sloping deep into the ground.
“Don’t go too fast.”