I didn't know if I lost consciousness at some point, but it definitely felt like I was now floating, and my body was cold. Frigid as if I'd been left in the icy parts of our dimension for days.No years.

At one point, I thought I stopped breathing. It felt that way as my lungs begged for air, but I couldn't move. I was a statue, one with no magic to bear and no energy to breathe in the oxygen I needed.

Once again, my mind went out into darkness, and when it came back, I began to feel something warm start to enter me. It was a tiny stream at first, entering my chest where my heart was. It began to warm my heart until the sound of its beat reached my ears that were surprisingly working.

The warmth moved from the heart to my lungs, and I took a gasp of pure air that filled them whole. From there, the warmth began to spread throughout my being, going to my stomach, arms, neck, and head, while the other half moved down my lower body to my hips, legs, and toes.

I thought once I felt warm, the energy would stop. It didn't.A wave of warmth continued to fill me, and I noticed the power that it brought. The strength I now had at my fingertips.

I wasn't just the Queen of this piece of land. I was the bearer of justice and the one who'd reveal the true Darkness of this world. I was the Ruler, and I'd gained the power I needed to obtain my rightful throne as Queen.

The warm wave began to dim, and I could sense the unicorn inside me, but it was different. It was more than just the magic that I now carried; I realized I could also control more than one element.

I could use all of them. Fire, Ice, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, and Darkness.

Mother Nature not only granted me life. She created me in her image, and I would now be able to save those who deserved redemption.

My feet felt the ground, but it was dry and warm compared to its cold damp feeling of being underwater. It took me a few seconds to realize my body wasn't underwater anymore, and I slowly opened my eyes to the walls of clear water that surrounded me in a wide circle that was a few feet wide.

The water walls stayed up and high, looking like they would remain that way until I walked back to the rose covered surface.

"Blessed Love."

I slowly turned my head to the gentle voice, my eyes landing on Orion and the others who were lined up a few feet away from me. I could see the shock in his eyes and noticed his tear-stained cheeks as well.

My back felt heavy as if I had extra weight on me. I glanced back to my left to see my image, and the water went from a blue translucent to a thick reflective fluid, allowing me to view my new appearance.

My once purple and pink hair with gold highlights was now gold, only small strands of pink and purple lingered in the long curly looks. My once mismatched green and purple eyes were now pink and purple; my right being a pastel pink and the left being a light lilac that almost looked white.

My blessed marks were present, but they had a small glowing tone to them; the gold light looked like my cheeks were glowing. My lips were a soft pink, and my skin looked healthy with no flaw in sight.

My outfit was still the same, but it was completely dry as if I'd never been in the water in the first place. The symbols were still glowing strongly.

The shocking thing I was still trying to comprehend, was my pure white wings, the bottom half of them shifting to a lavender purple and the ends a darker shade of the pastel color. I could see hints of other colors that were a part of the rainbow, but they were so tiny.

There was no doubt about how much power was in my wings alone, one flap of them could defeat armies and purify those who wanted to be a part of the light.

My eyes returned to my blessed marks, slowly taking in their glowing beauty one by one. I ended up counting them, making sure they were all there.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

With a pause, I stared at the lingering mark on my thigh, a glowing black magic circle right at my thigh.Seven?

As much as I wanted to linger on the thought, I began to feel extremely tired. I called back my wings. Closing my eyes, I wished for them to retract into my back until I'd need them again. I could tell they would appear in any form I was in, either human or unicorn, making me wonder if I was even a unicorn anymore.

The buzzing feeling of magic began to fade, and in its wake, my exhaustion grew stronger until I couldn't stand.

"Celestia!" I heard a few of the guys call out, but the world was spinning so quickly, I couldn't tell if I was standing, falling, or even floating.

Someone must have caught me, but I heard multiple gasps, and I felt really cold all of a sudden, to the point I was trembling in someone’s hands.

Bad...who is this person?I heightened my hearing as best I could, listening to whatever was being said.

"Who the hell are you?!" Hunter screamed.

"Let go of her!" Orion snapped.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. If she gets into either side’s hand the war will begin, and there can only be one winner."

War? One winner? What's going on?!