When they trailed back up my body, they stopped at my left thigh which had a small scar from the wound Harrison had healed.

I didn't want to wear the white shorts and the black top, but that was the only thing Hunter could magically create after taking his first classes from Orion on the art of making clothes with magic.

"When did you get that?"


"The scar on your left thigh."

"Oh. After you left, I learned first hand about your brother’s temper." I shrugged, drinking more of my coffee.

When he raised an eyebrow at me, I swallowed and decided to elaborate.

"Your brother tackled me and sent me flying into the trees. Those black, tainted ones. A large piece of bark went through my thigh. I couldn't heal it properly because I was attending to your brother who was all 'overtaken by Darkness' thanks to his older twin brother."

Odion grimaced, appearing a bit bothered by the news, but I returned to finish the cup of coffee. I walked over to the sink and placed it there before I turned and leaned against the counter to stare at Odion.

"Why are you here?"

"Checking things," he mumbled and walked over to one of the stools, the sound of the scraping of the legs against the wooden floors annoyed my ears as he pulled it out. He patted the top and looked at me. "Come here and sit."


"Can you stop wasting time, please? I can't be here much longer."

I frowned but did as he asked, walking over to the stool and sitting on it, my legs barely touching the ground. Odion came to my left side, and his hands slowly trailed down the scar.

"Why are you so intrigued by a scar? Actually, I still don't get why I'm so relaxed with you around. Aren't you supposed to kill me?"

"Not in the mood right now," he replied, his attention focused on my thigh.

"You have to be 'in the mood'? That sounds a little dirty."

He lifted his gaze to meet mine and sighed.

"I can see why my brother likes you."

"Do you like me?" I countered, the words coming out before I even thought about it.

Okay, maybe something is wrong with me this morning? Why did I just ask that?

He was quiet for a moment.

"A little."

"A little as a friend?" I pushed, and mentally cursed.

Dammit, Celestia. What's going on?

"I'll answer that another time." He pursed his lips.

"That means you do."

"No, it doesn't."

"You're like your brother." I tilted my head and studied him.

"We're different."