"What will happen with Odion? Are you guys going to punish him...or kill him?" I asked.

Charlotte gave me a small smile as her expression softened in her motherly features. "We aren't like the Council. Celestia is dear to us, but we won't judge someone without having all the facts to make the final decision. If Odion is being controlled by someone higher or the Darkness itself, we'll take that into consideration."

I sighed in relief, and Finn smiled and reached out to pat my shoulder. "Told you."

Harrison yawned and began to stretch. "I think it's bedtime."

"None of you guys slept?" I asked innocently.

We stared at their expressions, half of them looking away and the remainder blushing slightly. Charlotte cleared her throat. "We had a few business things to take care of. Anyways, you two should go to sleep. You'll have to journey back to Aslan in the evening."

We both smiled as we nodded in agreement and rose to our feet.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"We'll ensure this information stays here until you're ready to tell the others," Finn vowed.

"Excellent. Get some rest," Charlotte encouraged.

We said our goodbyes, and we made our way back to our room, both of us quiet as we thought about the meeting we had.

I have to find out how to protect Celestia and discover more about Odion. With Celestia's new role, this could lead to something greater than all of us.

This could lead to war.

Neglect and Dual Comfort

"WHAT?"I exclaimed, looking at Cairus and Caio like they were both insane.

"We tried talking with them, but Hunter seems to be in a bad mood, and well, he got ticked off with Theo and...uh..." Caio looked at Cairus who appeared rather calm for the current situation.

"Essentially Theo was acting really antsy, and Hunter seems to be dealing with something. Theo said something that ticked Hunter off, and I think you should know phoenix shifters have bad tempers."

Oh no...

"Alright. Before I panic, is the house still up? Do we have a home to go to? Did Hunter burn down Aslan? Am I going to slave for the rest of my life trying to pay back my dad...or dads? UGH!" My gut had been telling me something was up, but I didn't think it would be bad.

We'd returned to Aslan and dropped our familiars back at their home with the intentions of returning to the dorms, but Caio and Cairus met us halfway and decided to warn us that things weren't as great as we'd expected them to be.

Orion wrapped his arms around me from behind and squeezed me tightly. "Blessed Love, breathe."

I bit my lip, trying to be stubborn, but Finn came over and stroked my head soothingly. "Cutie Pie, it's not that bad. Let's go see for ourselves and let the twins explain. We can't do that if you pass out from not breathing. I also don't want to be lectured by Magnor, please."

I groaned, but followed their instructions and took a deep breath.

"I knew this was going to happen, or well...I felt like something was wrong. Especially with Theo, but I didn't expect him to leave. Like did he quit? Is he not coming back? Like...like...does he not..." I trailed off, not wanting to say the words as I tried not to fidget in Orion's back embrace.

Caio and Cairus both frowned, both of them walking up.Orion moved away to give the twins space, and they reached out to grab my hands; Cairus took my left and Caio my right.

I wanted to keep calm and not overthink things, but the anxiety that I'd kept ignoring pushed through the barricade I'd mentally made, and now I fought back tears, doing my best to stay calm.Or close to it.

"Cutie Pie, Theo still cares about you and so does Hunter," Caio whispered, his mismatched amber-gold eyes filled with worry.

"Dearest, Hunter and Theo were just going through some things before the final Trial, and their worry for you escalated it. They needed some space from each other to deal with their own insecurities," Cairus soothed.

I lifted my gaze to both of them and gulped. "So they...don't want to break up?" I asked hesitantly.The both of them shook their heads from side to side.

"Hunter...I'm only guessing because I don't know for sure, but my instincts are telling me the anniversary of Hunter’s brother's death is coming up or is really close," Cairus admitted.