I pulled back from our embrace to peer down at Orion. "I understand. I doubt any of us are prepared for what's happening, but we're doing a pretty good job at it," he suggested.

"We are? Doesn't feel like it," I admitted.

"I think we're doing a good job. Since our first exam together, we were thrown into situations we didn't expect or scenarios that had never happened to any of the other students before. Maybe it's just a test of Mother Nature? Who knows. Regardless, as long as we stick together, we'll be alright. That's what I think anyway."

"I wonder if the others are worried."

"I can't sense my familiar. We don't have a strong enough bond yet, I think," Orion confessed. We'd been given temporary familiars for one of our tests. Gabriel was Orion's familiar, but I hadn't gotten the whole explanation of what exactly he was. All I knew was they could stay in their human forms thanks to a device Faelia Blessheart had helped design.

"I can't feel Arielle either. Maybe this place has a barrier that stops us from sensing them, but they may be able to sense us? I remember Miolana talked about something like that in the familiar class."

"Maybe. Either way, I'm hoping they know we're safe and don't worry. I have a feeling Finn is going to have to hold down the fort."

"You don't think they're going to get along?" I asked.

"Theo's been a little short tempered lately. Hunter also seems a bit out of it. I'm not worried about the twins. Finn just seems like he has his shit together, even after...well, you know." Orion grimaced.

I sighed and nodded in understanding. I still remembered when Finn explained to me that Forsaken had killed his family and the dimension had self-destructed in an attempt to save other dimensions from the Darkness.

After what we'd gone through after the fourth Trial, and the agony he must have been going through, I was impressed at the improvement we'd been seeing in him. He was still his fun self, but lately, I'd seen the more mature, serious side of him.

"Hopefully they'll be okay. I'll talk with my mom tomorrow and see if she can contact my dad or something? Well...if they aren't getting a divorce."

"Did your father suggest they were?"

"No. Just the impression I got was they weren't talking. He didn't want to call her when I was struggling after the fourth exam and went for help," I revealed.

"Hmm," Orion replied. "Guess it will be another one of many questions you'll need to find out tomorrow, or at least during our stay here."

"Yes," I said and sighed wearily. "I'm tired of thinking about it."

"Want to go back to sleep?"

"Yes. As long as you sleep too," I mumbled.

He turned us over, causing me to be pinned against the sheets while he hovered over me.

"I'm not tired though," he teased.

I laughed, trying to be quiet, but I struggled as I grinned up at him.

"You look like a zombie, my Blessed Love," I said sweetly.

His pale cheeks tinted a bright red as he glanced away shyly.

"Can you say that again?" he mumbled.

I smirked, knowing exactly what he wanted me to repeat, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease him.

"What? That you look like a zombie or the other half?"

He gazed down at me, meeting my softened expression. "The other part."

"My Blessed Love," I purred, lifting my arms up to wrap around his neck.

"I like when you say that."

"Do you now?" I murmured, pulling him down for a slow kiss. "Maybe I should say it more often?"