"He wept to the point Harrison and Hellsin went back to Versa to see if you were okay. Once they came back, Magnor explained just generally that he hated how our circumstances were, and that you didn't know who he was to you. That you had no idea you had not one but four dads, and that we'd left you alone as if none of us cared. After Charlotte consoled him, he excused himself. Next thing we know, he threatened the Council. He said he’d quit if they didn't give him the flexible availability he needed."

I smiled as more tears rolled down my cheeks. "Magnor," I whispered.

"He was the first ever to threaten the Council, and it was a little bit of a shock to them. With how powerful Magnor is, if he quit, they knew he'd be another asset for Alpha Pure, which would make our organization too powerful. Even if Magnor had his loyalty here, the Council felt more reassured having him go around training other students or coming on missions that were deemed complicated. It also gave them the chance to 'keep watch' on him because Magnor was knowledgeable and could do severe damage if he chose to oppose the Council. They gave in to his request, and that was why Magnor was able to stay for more extended periods of time with you compared to our chaotic work schedule."

"I guess you all couldn't do that without pissing the Council off and putting me in the line of danger," I whispered.

"They were already keeping a watchful eye on you, Celestia. To be honest, I think that was why you were bullied the way you were. The Council was well aware that there were more unicorn shifters out there, which included Harrison. Yet, they registered you as the single one in Versa, as if you were lying. If I knew the Council's real objective, I wouldn't have approved of the registry or leaving you there. We could have taken you elsewhere, but Versa is one of the most peaceful dimensions, and it's the easiest for Magnor to teleport to because of his connection with his home. I didn't want you to struggle, Celestia. We wanted the best for our child...and we failed."

He gave me a pitiful smile as tears streamed down his cheeks. "I don't know how to be a good father, Celestia. I want to be...I really do. Sometimes it takes a huge wake up call before I see what the real priority is. That was you saying if you died, then I shouldn't cry. When you left, I sat there in shock...thinking how the fuck could I let it get to this point. By the time I realized how bad the storm was and went outside, Magnor informed me you were with him and Finn and had been attacked by what appeared to be a Forsaken."

He used his bare arm to wipe the tears that stained his cheeks and continued. "That night...I wanted to quit everything. I told Magnor that I wished I could turn back time with a spell and start over in hopes of giving you a father you deserved. Sadly, there's no such magic."

I stared into his mismatched eyes as he looked directly into mine, both of us allowing our tears to continue to roll down our flushed cheeks.

"You are so very precious to me, Celestia. I know I suck at showing it… Charlotte tells me how I don't show my feelings enough until things seem to crash and burn. I'm not worthy of a second chance, and I don't expect you to forgive me. I deserve any punishment you want to give me, but I needed you to know that I'm truly sorry for not acknowledging you when you needed me the most."

He got off the bed and knelt on his knees before bowing his head to the floor. "Please forgive me, my Blessed Child, and if not, just know I love you, even when I don't show it."

I stared at him with my blurry vision and opened my trembling lip to say something...anything. A quiet whimper escaped, and I began to sob. "How can I say no to that?" I cried, furiously wiping away my tears with my fingers.

Orlando lifted his head, his tears falling to the floor. With the sight of his regret, sadness, and the slight hope that shone in his mismatched eyes that were identical to mine, I couldn't hold a grudge. He deserved a second chance, especially after knowing what truly contributed to the situation and that he was dealing with things his way and had made a mistake.

"I forgive you, Dad," I whispered.

He gave me a small smile before he stood and leaned in to hug me. "Thank you, Sweetheart. I'm so sorry."

He consoled me while I cried, and eventually, Mom came back and helped in calming me as well. I hadn't realized how much pain I harbored over the idea of Orlando not caring about me, and it came out through my tears and sadness as I let all of it go.

No one is perfect, but at least we can acknowledge and learn from our mistakes. As long as you can forgive, you can move forward towards a better future with the people you genuinely love.


"Finally, this is the gate of Alpha Pure. It's the general entrance where we come through if we need to leave, though there are a few secrets exits for emergencies," Mom said.

Orion's hand held mine as we nodded our understanding, both of us still trying to absorb everything we'd just witnessed during the two-hour tour.

Alpha Pure was breathtakingly beautiful. The word couldn't even justify how fascinating and majestic the sanctuary was in person.

The place we stayed in was the main building where all the administrative meetings, defense planning, and overall planning to maintain Alpha Pure were held. It was also where my mother and dads typically stayed, though they had a private unit in the mountain section of the place.Yes, a mountain section.

The landscape reminded me of the place Caio, Cairus, and I went during our exploration of New Aslan. It was filled with life, from the different colored trees to the clear blue water that looked like nothing could taint it.

The beauty of the wildlife was a small part of what really stood out at Alpha Pure. The number of rare shifters that had made this sanctuary their home was mesmerizing.

Centaurs, Phoenixes, Fairies, and Pixies. Those were just some of the rare mythological shifters we'd read about in books and the Council themselves stated were nonexistent in our dimension and many others.

What made me gasp in awe was the vast valley of unicorn shifters of all kinds that lived here. There were at least 100 of them, 80% of them full unicorn shifters while others were alicorns and a few types I'd never heard of.

Orion was as blown away as I was when we took a lengthy tour around their section. It was a mixture of pink, purple, and gold wildlife. I would never have expected to see pink water, but it was possible when unicorns were involved.

They even had a rainbow waterfall, but that was deeper into the forest and was a sacred area.

Mom said Harrison could take us there if we'd like since unicorns and a few pixies were allowed entry without feeling the power level of magic that made it extremely hard for those who entered to stay there comfortably.

What brought me close to tears was the level of acceptance these shifters carried. No matter what the race, they had welcomed us with smiles and happiness.

I knew I was in special attire that made many of the shifters realize I was related to my mother, even without them getting a closer look at me to see our resemblance. They were just as kind to Orion, who wore simple white jeans and a white short-sleeved polo shirt with his hair up in a ponytail.