"Also yes."

"At least you're aware of it." I sighed with a smile and pressed my forehead to his chest. "I'll ask her, and maybe when we get back, we can talk with the others. I want this to work out, Orion. I want the others and maybe...eventually be bonded to Hunter, Caio, Cairus, and Theo. I don't want to lose anyone, but I can't juggle everything flawlessly right now. Not with all this change. I physically, emotionally, and mentally can't do it."

"I understand, Blessed Love, and we will work on it. I don't want you stressing over it. We're adults. We'll find a way for this to work, even if I have to punch some common sense into the others."

I grinned against his chest and pulled back. He leaned closer to gaze at me with a soft smile. "Violence is a bad tactic for creating harmony amongst friends," I scolded jokingly.

"Not in this case. Finn can handle them, but if not, I'll work my alicorn stubborn magic. They'll cooperate." He grinned.

I sighed in exasperation. "Again, I feel you have an evil side to you. Aside from your grudge holding and burst of rage when someone upsets you."

"The quiet ones are the deadliest."

"I can't believe you're proud of that." I shook my head and giggled. Orion chuckled, and we ended up laughing together quietly before we kissed again at a slower pace.

I hugged him tightly and closed my eyes.

"Eventually, Orion."


"I want kids one day. Just not now. I think it would be a wonderful experience to have a bonus with having six helping hands, but I wish for our dimension or the vast dimensions to change for the better. I want our children to be able to express themselves freely and not be punished or laughed at. For them to live in harmony with different shifters and watch them grow together without fear that they'll be enemies one day. I want our children to experience a future that we create. One that's better."

"That sounds achievable," Orion whispered. We shared a look, and I nodded.

"A world I hope all of us aim to achieve one day," I said softly.

"Boy or girl?"

I grinned at the twinkle in his lilac eyes when he asked the question.



"I don't know. Do you want a boy?"

"Uh..." He trailed off as his cheeks tinted red."I want a girl."

"Huh? Why?"

"She'll be pretty like you..." he admitted. "That's my only reason for now."

I beamed and wrapped my arms around his neck again before giving him a firm kiss. "You know you’re adorable, right?"

"Am I? I thought I was secretly evil." He winked playfully before he rolled us over and pinned me into the sheets.

"You are, but you are adorably evil." I laughed.

"Hmm. I can accept that." He chuckled and pressed his forehead against mine as our noses touched.

"How about if I put a protective spell on you so that you can't get pregnant until you're ready?"

"There's a spell for that?"

"Yes...uh...Harrison told me."

"I don't know how I feel about that," I admitted as my face grew hot in embarrassment.