I closed my eyes again, thinking my vision would return to normal, but it remained; surprisingly, it didn't scare me. I was at peace because this was my land.My home.

My eyes gazed at the water, and I felt the urge to step forward.Forward. I need to walk to my throne. Yes. My kingdom.

I took a step forward, but I felt something hold me back. The sound was muffled and far away, but it felt like someone was calling my name.

"Celestia? Cutie Pie?"

My body felt hot, and whatever was once stopping me let go. It was the perfect chance for me to move forward, and I took a step.

I thought my feet that were cloaked in gold flats would sink into thecold stream of water, but they didn't. I stood on top of it as a large pink magic circle formed beneath my foot. I noticed the silver anklets began to glow a lavender purple, and the buzz building inside me grew stronger, urging me forward.

I took another step, followed by another until I stood over the middle of the river bank with a gold magic circle under my left foot and a pink one under my right.

A sea of pure white fish passed me, heading straight towards the waterfall.Follow.

I followed their lead, ignoring the muffled sounds that I assumed were telling me to stop. My gut told me nothing would happen to me by entering the heavy waterfall.That was my entrance after all.

Before my body went under the waterfall, the heavy flow of water froze halfway, the other half dropping into the river but leaving the perfect entrance for me to walk through. Not a drop of water hit my body as I went in, and though I felt the waterfall’s desire to return to its normal flow, I mentally told it to wait.

I knew in the back of my mind I was being followed, but they wouldn't harm me. That was enough of a motive to allow them in to witness my paradise. When I reached the end of the hollow cave trail, my foot landed on solid ground.

With a few steps forward, I stopped. I slipped off my flats and took the step forward into the soft grass. I stalled for a moment to appreciate the wide view of opened grass. To my far left and right was forestry, but I knew all I needed to do was walk straight.

I'd find what was mine if I went straight.

With a step forward, I glanced down to see the grass beneath me begin to blossom roses. The first step produced red roses, the second step formed orange roses, the third was yellow roses, and the fourth step was green roses.

Before I knew it, a rainbow of roses trailed behind me, and they began to spread across the grass towards the trees the rich rose scent lingered in the air and made me smile in delight.

Welcome home.

I hadn't felt so welcomed in my entire existence. I felt as if I really did belong to this world.No, universe.

A warm breeze passed by me, carrying my hair up with ease. The colorful rose petals wrapped around me, following the breeze’s motivation of welcoming me.

I finally reached the border of the lake, the familiar scenery reminding me of something, but my mind couldn't pinpoint what that something was. All I cared at this point, was that my item was at the bottom of the lake, and only I could get there.

There was no need to take my clothes off, and I wasn't afraid of the water as I place my foot into it. This time, my foot plunged through the peaceful water, making little riptides through the clear blue surface.

Step after step, I walked deeper into the lake water, the muffled voices reaching my ear, but I zoned them out. My goal was within my grasp, and I didn't need any other distractions. With one last breath, my body submerged into the water, but my feet kept walking down the wet gravel ground below. I knew I could breathe underwater with little struggle, the clear fluid allowing me to inhale it.

I noticed that the jewelry and symbols of my clothing were all glowing, and my hair was completely gold. I continued walking until I reached the middle of the lake. That was where I saw what was mine.

My Crown.

I wasted no haste to reach it, continuing my timed pace towards the item that held the other half of my true power.My true being.

When I reached the stone that held it, I took a second to appreciate its wondrous beauty. No matter if it was in the depths of these waters; its beauty had no words.

I leaned down and picked it up, the biggest smile formed on my face as I stared at the rainbow crown that glittered in my hold.

With my eyes closed, the simple words came to my mind; the sentence that would unlock and fulfill me.

"Your Queen Is Home."

My eyes fluttered closed, and my body grew so hot, I couldn't tell if I was standing or floating. I could feel every strand of magic begin to leave my body, to the point it was almost painful.

It was as though someone was ripping every thread out of my skin, and I all I could do was silently scream and endure the pain. It sounded as though I was in a bubble, all the sounds and shouts that were happening around me barely reaching the surface.