"Yes. I think so. I didn't tell you before because I wanted us to be alone to talk to about it first, but Odion was at Theo's place."


"Theo was low on blood, and the blood tablets weren't working. Vincent and the others hid their portions in another housing complex and didn't check on Theo at all. Theo told me that you brought him packs of blood to drink, but I know that's not true because you were with Finn and me."

"He saved Theo?" Orion whispered.

I nodded. "Yes. Odion is being judged because he's a dark element user. Just because he can use dark magic, doesn't mean he's bad. I think we've been misjudging him the whole time, but your gut told you he wasn't evil."

"Ya...whenever I thought of him getting in trouble, it scared me. I didn't think he deserved it, but I assumed it was just because he's my twin," Orion admitted.

We both sat up and I moved to face him, crossing my legs once more and reaching out to hold his hand in mine.

"We need to find as much information on the High Council as we can. This is one of the prime examples of their incompetence. Orlando said Faelia had to get the file, right?" I asked, remembering the comment that caught my attention during my read.

Orion nodded. "They denied Orlando's request for the file, so Faelia snuck in and got it and replaced the space with a replica that looks exactly like it."

"Then we won't have much time once they figure that out. We need more information. Like something that they've held back, and we have enough affected shifters to overthrow them and bring back the King and Queen hierarchy. Even if Mom ends up being a temporary leader, enough shifters will approve of overthrowing them thanks to her and Alpha Pure's kindness with rescuing them from the forsaken attacks," I concluded.

"That sounds like a good plan. We'll start our search after your Awakening Ceremony?"

"Yes," I confirmed and leaned over to press my hands on his tear-stained cheeks. "We'll get justice for Odion, and then, you'll get your brother back," I whispered, pulling him down for a soft kiss.

We'd discovered what we needed to challenge the Council. Now it was time to find something so shocking, they would have no choice but to step down.

The only question was...what?

Awakening and Darkness Rages War

"You're nervous?" Orion stood to my left as we waited for my mother to signal us to enter the forest.

"Very," I whispered, giving him the best smile I could.

He reached out to hold my right hand that was trembling from my nerves.

"You'll do great. Just be calm." He placed a kiss on my cheek.

I nodded and felt a hand slide into my left hand. I turned to see Finn's confident smile. "Exactly. Plus, we'll be there to reassure you."

I heard footsteps from behind, and the three of us turned to see Hunter, Theo, Caio, and Cairus approach, all of them having similar expressions of hope.

"We'll totally be fine. The task seems easy enough," Theo declared.

"And your Mom said that you should feel where you have to go once we get to the destination," Hunter reminded.

"You look beautiful, Celestia," Caio and Cairus said together with wide smiles. The others nodded in agreement, making me blush as I glanced at my outfit.

I wore a pure white dress ensemble that made me almost feel like a Jinn. The top was a tube piece that wrapped around my breasts but exposed my waist, giving a glimpse of my abs that I'd begun working on to help with my core balance.

Long draping sleeves adorned with intriguing gold and pink symbols covered my arms and attached to the tube top by a gold metal circle.

My actual shoulders were bare, the sleeves only starting from the middle of my biceps which showed my blessed marks from Caio and Cairus on both arms. Theo's mark was visible on the nape of my neck, Finn's could be seen on my chest and half of the wing blessed mark from Hunter was noticeable on my back. Even though my sleeves were long, I could still see a glimpse of Orion's blessed marks on my wrists.

My skirt was one that was short on one side and draped down on the other side. In this case, my left leg was bare from my upper thigh to my ankle that held multiple anklets in gold, silver, and pink, and white material covered the other leg.

My hair was left down and in a bunch of tight curls, making it much shorter than I'd normally wear it. I wore mybracelets on their respective wrists, deciding to bring them along just in case I needed Sia. Even if she hadn't been showing up lately for whatever reason, I figured if I needed her, she'd be there.

As for my dual blades, they were on my back, but Harrison taught me a sheath spell to hide them. It was what he did when he went into to battle, confusing the enemy in thinking he had no weapons on him.