"I think they presume they'll be able to hide or have their own safe place to go to when they think the Darkness will strike." Charlotte rubbed her temples and sighed.

"Selfish individuals who will have their own escape plans when the time is right, but don't care about the rest of the dimensions that will be affected by it. They only said those things because their race isn't going extinct,"Orion grumbled, sounding extremely pissed.

I placed my other hand on our joined hands to try and soothe him, knowing the pain he felt regarding his family. I also felt for Finn's family that I'd never got the opportunity to meet.How was it fair to promote violence and death because you believed it wouldn't phase you or the ones you loved?

"I understand your feelings, and I support you. I believe because certain shifter races haven't been 'wiped out' those who oppose our mission think they're impenetrable. However, with the way it's going and the increase of Forsaken, I don't know how long we'll have before something big happens and many shifters are hurt by it." Mom pursed her lips.

"So what do you do here then?"Orion asked.

"We nurture shifters who need a temporary place to stay, especially after a Forsaken incident where they are wounded physically or mentally. When they and their family or pack of shifters are ready to leave, we escort them to a safe dimension to start fresh," Charlotte replied.

"Aren't you afraid of them sharing about Alpha Pure?" I asked.

"We make an oath with them that they can't reveal our location. Once they've left this place, they won't be able to return unless they are in dire need once more."

"How does that work?" Orion asked. "Wouldn't they remember how to get back?"

"The spell is initiated on their way out. They vow that unless in dire need of assistance from Alpha Pure, they will not be able to return here. Once it's initiated, they won't be able to find the right location that leads here. It doesn't matter how hard they try. Unless their body is at a high enough stress level that could be measured as a shifter's impending doom, they will not be able to find our location. This is to ensure no one brings evil to this land."

"Intriguing," Orion said.

"Does that mean when we leave, we'll never be able to come back here?" I asked in a hushed tone.I just got to meet Mom after how many years? Does that mean I'll never be able to come back?

"Celestia, you and Orion are more than welcome to come back. I know you won't harm anyone here, and this is your birthplace. You have every right to be here," Mom whispered.

The knock at the door stopped me from getting the chance to ask more. The white door opened halfway to reveal Harrison with a tray of tea and biscuits. "Decided to bring a snack," he announced.

Mom smiled broadly at Harrison's appearance, and he walked over to place the gold tray on the coffee table before us.

"Thank you, Harrison."

"You're welcome, Sweetcakes. I'm going to be in the other room if you need anything." Harrison turned his gaze on us. "You two okay?"

"Yup," I replied.

Orion smiled. "I'm going to be right back."

I gave him a pout as I blinked my eyes. The smirk on his lips only widened as he leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. "I won't be long. Harrison forgot to bring milk."

Harrison and I both looked down at the tray and realized he did forget to bring the milk. "Huh? I swear I put it there." Harrison lifted his hand to scratch his head in confusion.

Orion shrugged. "It's fine. I'll be back." He bowed his head to my mother who gave him an appreciative smile. Harrison and Orion made their way out the door, closing it gently behind them.

I guess it's now or never.

My Miracle and Confession

Mom and I sat in silence, and I stared at the steam drifting up from the tea.

Where do I begin? What do I even say? Hey, Mom. I missed you for many years, and I feel you don't love me because you've been doing this amazing job at saving everything but didn't care to come to visit your daughter? No, that's rude...but that's what I wish I could say, but she'd hate me if I were honest. But the truth will set you free. I don't want it to come back and bite me in the butt. Ugh, why did Orion go? He'd know what to say.

Mom rose from her chair and walked over to sit in Orion’s previous spot. She turned her body to face me, and I looked at my lap as my hands began to fidget.

"Celestia. You can tell me how you feel."

"Even if it hurts? What about if it's not nice things?" I raised my gaze to meet hers. She appeared troubled by my words, but she gave me a short nod and sat taller. "Yes. Even if it may hurt my feelings. Whatever you feel like stating, feel free to share it. I know you wouldn't say it unless I deserved it."

"Why did everyone lie to me?" I whispered, lowering my gaze as I tried to compose myself.