"Gotcha." I caught him before he hit the ground and slowly lowered him.

"Never underestimate the power of a unicorn," I declared proudly, realizing Cairus wouldn't even be able to respond because he was asleep.

"Damn. It's more rewarding when he- EEP!" I began but felt something wrap around my waist, pulling me right against Cairus chest.

I blinked and lifted my head to see Cairus’ weak grin. "Nice try, Dearest, but you need a bit more strength in your glitter."

"You're just resisting my glitter charm," I grumbled.

"I guess. Hard to resist you though," he whispered, tightening his hold around my waist.

"You say your brother tries to make me swoon a lot, Sweet Talker." I sighed, but a small smile formed on my lips.

I rested my chin on his chest and continued staring at him. "Are we training on the floor now?"

"Hmm. Seeing as I kinda can't move at the moment thanks to a certain unicorn's glitter magic, I guess we can take a break."

"See?! It IS useful," I said with pride and giggled as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, yes. You get the last laugh," he mumbled, running his hands through my ponytail.

"What should our sweaty selves do while we wait for my magic to wear off?" I hummed.

"You could just reverse it."

"Nah. I want you to suffer." I winked.

"So mean." He sighed, but a small grin formed on his lips. "Wanna just talk?"

"That would be nice," I admitted, rolling off him to rest right next to him. We both stared at the ceiling, and I pondered what to talk about.

"I'm a bit nervous."

"About school? Or regarding the ceremony your parents want you to participate in?" Cairus questioned.

"A bit of both? I feel more nervous about this Awakening Ceremony though. I mean, I feel powerful as is. Would unlocking my powers be beneficial?"

"Are you concerned something bad will happen if you do unlock your powers?"

"Yes," I whispered, raising my right hand up to stare at it. "What if gaining that power means I lose something dear to me? That's what happens in fairy tales and stories. Power comes with a price, and I'm a little concerned that the price would leave me feeling more hurt than powerful."

It was honestly a weird feeling to have, and I didn't understand why.It's not like I'm losing any of the guys or Arielle. I don't think I'll lose Sia either. She'll always be a part of me. Yet, I feel like I'd lose something?

"Have you researched why Sia hasn't been appearing lately?" Cairus brought up.

"No. I keep forgetting. It's kind of weird. I always remember, but right before I try to bring it up, the thought kind of poofs? If that makes sense," I explained.

"Hmm. I just had a thought...but it’s gone now," Cairus admitted. I turned my head to look at his concentrated expression.

"You don't remember?"

"I did a moment ago when I brought up the question, but when I wanted to say it, um...I totally forgot," Cairus confessed, turning his head to meet my intrigued gaze with a confused one. "That's a first for me."

"Hmm, weird," I commented. "Guess we're over thinking it?"

"I guess? What was the original question?" Cairus shyly asked. I nervously giggled.

"To be honest, I don't remember. Um...OH! Me being nervous!"