"Earth to Caio? Frosting?" I repeated, and he blinked out of his daze and blushed.

"Ya coming!" He swiftly turned around and opened the fridge to get the frosting out. I smirked, placing the tray quietly on the island and creeping up to him.

He rose up, looking to see if he chose the right frosting, and I leaned up to place a kiss on the right side of his neck. He stayed completely still and moaned, making me grin against his flesh.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, 7A," I purred, tugging his ear with my teeth. I let him go and waltzed back to the island, sneaking a glimpse over my shoulder to see Caio’s appreciative look as he bit his bottom lip.

Let's see if I can survive the day to implement my plans tonight.

Training with Cairus and Drunken Love

"Stop avoiding me!" I growled, doing a backflip to avoid his attack, and I dashed forward to try and strike him.

He was just as quick, blocking my attack and easily pushing me backward, making me lose my balance.

I fell back on my butt, immediately lifting my swords to cross one another; Cairus’ sword struck mine, and we both tried to force the other to move.

Sweat was dripping down my face, the rest of my body already drenched from our three-hour training session. Even with me wearing a pink sports bra and matching short shorts, I couldn't help but work up a sweat when Cairus was in training mode.

It didn't matter that he was fighting his girlfriend. He was fierce and showed no mercy.

Just the way I liked it.

I grinned, centering my power in my swords and began to push him back. He noticed my surge in energy, and he decided to counter with his own. Those blue eyes of his became luminescent, and the tattoo on the left side of his neck glowed brightly.

I shivered at the sudden drop of temperature, and before I knew it, my legs were frozen to the wooden floor.

"Oh, C'mon! That's bullshit!" I exclaimed and released my burst of energy to push him back to the wall.

A cold whirlpool of wind emerged just before he hit the wall, stalling the impact.

"Not in battle." Cairus grinned with triumph, walking towards me.

"Oh really?" I huffed and took a deep breath.

"Dearest, you're not actually going to-"

I didn't let him finish, blowing a stream of glitter at him. He stared at me in confusion and waited to see what would happen.

"Dearest. You would have been dead if you used such a move."

"Wait for it!" I urged. "It's just having a slow reaction because you suck."


"Totally. Now as we wait, can you unfreeze my legs please?" I asked sweetly.

He sighed, sliding his swords back into their scabbards and walked over to my feet.

He crouched and closed his eyes, concentrating on dissolving the block of ice. It slowly began to dissipate, turning into a cool mist instead of a pool of water.

"You realize your enemy would never release you from your hold."

"They would if I asked nicely?" I suggested, blinking my eyes.

He smirked and shook his head. "Your glitter has yet to activa..." He trailed off and his eyes grew heavy.

I quickly switched position, going to my knees and reaching out to catch him as he fell over to my left.