"Shower sex?"

"When the buzz is gone, you won't want to have sex," he revealed.

"Why not?"

"Because...I don't know," he replied, sounding unsure.

I grinned and leaned back to give him a seductive look.

"You know I had a spell put on me?" I purred.


"Orion put on a spell. I can have sex as much as I want." I hummed in delight.

This weird state of euphoria was making my flirtatious actions easy. I didn't need to worry or think about things. The words would just flow from my mouth with no regrets.

Theo blushed at my words, but I could tell the hint of excitement in his eyes, seeing the gears work in his mind.

"Did it work?"

"Sex all week and no pregnancy in sight," I declared.

He shook his head. "You're definitely buzzed, Cutie Pie."

"Still don't get how being horny is buzzing. Where's the buzzing sound? Why am I even thinking about this? I want Theo," I declared giving him a pouting look.

He chuckled. "Take a few deep breaths, and you can have me."


"I promise."

"Still don't believe you."

"I'll let you do whatever you want in the shower if you do as I say," he offered.

I thought about it with my fuzzy mind. "I want fast hard sex, and you to press me against the glass like they do in the shows."


"Porn shows."

"You...actually never mind. We'll talk about that later. Sure, Cutie Pie. I'll make sure to press you against the shower glass and fuck you senseless if you take a few deep breaths."

I smiled and did as instructed, taking a deep inhale and letting it out slowly. The moment my mind cleared, I felt my cheeks grow red, and Theo's smile widened.

"Welcome back, Cutie Pie."

"I'm gonna live in a hole forever," I groaned, lifting my shirt slightly to hide my face. Theo chuckled and moved back to sit on his heels while I sat up.

"It's not your fault. I drank a bit more than I should have," he confessed, looking sad. "Sorry, Celestia. I should have asked if you were okay before feeding off you. I just couldn't think straight."

"Why are you apologizing? There's no need for that. Why didn't you ask for anyone to get you more tablets?! Do I need to beat Vincent up?"

Hmm. Killing him sounds more appealing with a purpose.

Theo ruffled his hair and shook his head. "No. Um...I think I know what happened."