"Well damn! Is that Ms. Nobody?" one of them stated.

"I'll be damned. How do the useless ones turn out attractive as fuck?" the other one said. I wasn't even phased by their words and glanced back at Vincent who looked so happy that his friends had arrived.

"What did you say?" Hunter took a threatening step forward. A heat wave hit us with such force I felt like I was suddenly in a furnace. The two other guys cringed, both of them taking a step back while Vincent grimaced.

"Turn down the heat, stranger. This is my property. Get the fuck out!" Vincent snarled.

"Make me," Hunter growled back, his amber eyes practically glowing.

Esmie didn't seem bothered. She held a hand fan, of which I had no idea where she'd gotten it from.

"Each time I tell you not to bite at things you can't chew, but there you go," She sang, the eerie sound in perfect tune.

I sighed and closed my eyes, heightening my senses to see if there anyone else was in the house.Don't want to waste time picking a fight if Theo's not here.

It only took me thirty seconds to pinpoint one other heartbeat, the sound rather thready and slow.Maybe that's Theo.

"Is Theo here or not, Vincent? I'm really cranky right now." I huffed, wishing Hunter had coffee at his place. No sleep and coffee were a bad combo, and that meant my level of patience was wearing thin.

"He's in his room, but you can't see him." Vincent smirked, taking a step to stand right in front of me. "Now, Nobody. Why don't you take your fake unicorn ass out of my house and run along? Theo deserves to be with his boys. Not some slut who brings her feminine boy-"

Like my body was going to let him finish the sentence. Everyone gasped when I had Vincent up against the wall, his legs off the ground with my hand gripping his throat. He choked and gasped, looking at his friends for help but they stayed put.It was safer for them to not interfere because this unicorn was NOT in the fucking mood.

"Listen, Vincent. I've dealt with your nonsense once. I don't have the patience for it today without a luxurious cup of coffee. So, you and your friends are going to go out and get me a nice premium blend from the other side of town, or I'll destroy this place and blame it on you," I snarled.

I loosened my grip and allowed him to fall back to the ground. Esmie giggled and gave me a wink. Vincent scrambled off the floor and flashed his fangs at me as his eyes glowed red.

"You come on my property and think you can do whatever the fuck you want!"

I took a step forward, but this time I let every inch of my power out, projecting it through the house like it was gravity itself.

"Fuck!" The two vamps cursed and immediately went to their knees like I was royalty. I noticed Hunter was tense and seemed almost in pain. Esmie appeared impressed as she continued to fan herself, watching Vincent grit his teeth as he slowly fell to his knees.

I pinched my nose and had to calm myself.

Relax, Celestia. It's not worth destruction. Though that sounds super delightful. Can I kill them all too...oh wait? Unicorns aren't supposed to kill...right...hmmm.

Shaking my head, I opened my eyes and stared at Vincent. His eyes widened in fear, and he inched back to press against the wall. His fear only excited me, and I took another step forward before I crouched to smile at him.

"Now. Let's try this again. I want coffee, Vincent. The best fucking coffee in Versa. And you and your pathetic piece of shit friends are going to get it for me while I have a chat with Theo. Actually, bring me the best lunch from the finest restaurant for three, and milkshakes. Make sure you don't poison them. I'll know, and I'll make sure that cowardly soul of yours enjoys hell. Understood?" I said as sweetly as I could, but the tone was flat and lacked affection.

"Understood! We're going!" he screamed, and before I could blink, was out the door with his two friends. I could sense Esmie’s eyes on me for a long moment, but she didn't say anything as she closed her fan and turned around.

"Take your time. Theo could use some friends. See you later." She gave us a backhanded wave and walked down the stairs and towards the main mansion.

I rose up and took a few slow breaths, hearing Hunter close the door.That was weird. Why am I disappointed? Jeez, I really wanted him to die. Maybe I would feed his soul to the Forsaken. He'd learn a lesson the next time he was born not to bully anyone.

I felt a pair of hands land on my shoulders and they began to massage me slowly. I sighed with a small smile, needing the mini massage to help me calm down.

"Celestia. Are you okay?" Hunter asked.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw his serious expression, but I didn't know why he seemed upset.

"Yes, why?" I asked innocently.

"Your eyes were black."

"Black as in?"