"Taking advantage of alone time, I see."

"Just a little," Orion admitted, running his hands through his white-silver locks and turning his body slightly so he could look at both of us.

"How did it go?" he asked Finn.

Finn closed his eyes but a smile still adorned his face. "Amazing? Wonderful? A dream? I'm still trying to absorb it all..." he confessed, and I could already see the tears beginning to form in his eyes. He moved to sit up, and I shifted off him to sit on the sheets with my legs crossed. Orion moved a bit closer, so it was us three in a little circle.

Finn glanced between us and smiled. "I don't have words to describe how thankful I am...to be able to see my family again and then meeting all the other pixies here. Some of them I hadn't seen since I was a little kid. Friends who I used to hang with, cousins and extended family. It made me realize how bad the current situation is with the Forsaken, and how little the Council is doing about it."

Orion and I exchanged looks and nodded. "It seems like the Council isn't concerned about the number of species dying." I was more than happy to share my thoughts on the situation.

"They only care about getting more Hunters and Huntresses to be on the same level or more powerful than the growing Darkness," Orion explained.

"With the Hunters and Huntresses we have now, and all of the students at Aslan, I don't think we're enough," Finn whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It took the Forsaken no time at all to cover an entire dimension. Five to ten minutes? What makes them think they're strong enough to conquer that when so many of their defense have become cocky and weak?" Finn grumbled.

"They're becoming cocky?" I asked.

Orion sighed and nodded. "I had a talk with Harrison about it recently. No one is talking about it, but Hunters and Huntresses have been slacking a lot lately. So much so that many of them have died on the recent missions with average leveled Forsaken. Average level as in the one we first fought during our exam before the larger one appeared."

"You can't be serious. Why would they even be chosen for duty if they don't keep up their role and training?" I asked. Finn ruffled his pink hair, ruining the once gelled look.

"Magnor explained to me that once the Hunters and Huntresses get accepted, they slack off because the Council isn't checking. It's as if having a ruler and team of representatives, but they only focus on the number of fighters that represent the kingdom and don’t send anyone to evaluate the physical and magical power those fighters hold."

"With what you're saying, we could have ten thousand Hunters and Huntresses, but only two thousand have enough strength to defeat a higher level Forsaken." I tilted my head and studied them, waiting for confirmation.

"Yup," Finn said.

"Exactly," Orion replied

"Can't we get rid of the Council?" I asked.

"We could, but it would have to be a large number of shifters from the majority of species requesting for that to occur. Also, if we get rid of the Council system, we would revert to the Hierarchy system with a King OR Queen," Finn explained.

"King OR Queen?" I repeated.

"Normally it's a King or Queen who will be the main ruler. It doesn't matter if either of them has one lover or three. If a King is nominated, it doesn't matter if he's married. His wife will have the queen title, but that doesn't mean she can rule in the King's absence," Orion elaborated.

"Has a woman ever ruled?"

"No," Orion and Finn said together.

"How are you chosen to be King or Queen? Is it a bias thing?" I asked, seeing as there hadn't been a Queen ever.

"It used to be chosen by the people, but the chosen Rulers would end up dying mysterious deaths caused by nature," Finn replied.

"Caused by nature?" I asked.

Orion nodded. "My Father said the last ruler died of a poisonous bite while he was marching through the garden, plotting to segregate a bunch of shifter races. His death made everyone realize that Mother Nature could decide who the next ruler would be, but then we gained the Council, which was supposed to be temporary."

"But they have remained in power all this time," I commented.

"Once you've enjoyed the luxury of being a part of a group where you can essentially get whatever you want, it's tough to step down for someone else to take over and live that same life while you return to your normal life. They've overstayed their position in my opinion." Finn sighed.

"I agree," I replied before a yawn escaped me.