Orion. I wonder how he’s still so kind when he’s been through so much? Living in the world for so many years, all alone.

Yet, knowing somewhere out there Odion was still alive but on a side that Orion couldn’t be on because of his own morals.I bet he misses his brother...

I closed my eyes and relaxed, wondering how life was going to be once we graduated from Aslan. I knew it would be years from now, but visualizing it in my mind was somewhat calming. I wasn’t afraid of the future, as long as my guys were all with me.

That would require me to make sure we stayed together, no matter how crazy New Aslan got.Or if we had to face Odion one day.

I drifted in and out of sleep, dreaming about each guy in a little moment. Each day I spent here was nice, but I think now that Finn was aware of his family and got a day or two to spend with them, it would be time for us to go back and keep the others informed about what was going on.

I also wanted to do some research and see if we could find anything about Odion’s past. He couldn’t have become one with the Darkness because he wanted to. There’s always a trigger to why someone decides to go to the dark side. Like how I almost did because of how hopeless I felt.

One of the questions I had was if Odion was born to be bad. Orion, by his nature, was of light.Did that mean that Odion was destined to be a part of the Darkness? And if he was destined, did that mean he had to be a villain in all of this?

The click of the lock caught my attention, but I remained still, not sure whether I was dreaming or half awake. The door closed lightly, and I heard the shuffling of clothes, but it didn’t motivate me enough to open my eyes yet.Could be Arielle...

Something gently stroked my head, and I smiled at the comforting gesture. It wasn’t until a soft pair of lips pressed against mine that I had the urge to open my tired eyes.

Green eyes met mine; their radiance of happiness made me smile with joy.

"Didn't mean to wake you, Cutie Pie," Finn whispered.

"I don't mind. We wanted to stay up, but Orion was tired. I was just resting my eyes," I explained. Finn nodded in understanding and crawled onto the bed, doing it so slowly that it wouldn't wake Orion.

He must have stripped out of his dress clothes because all he had on were his boxers. I wore a white lingerie set with pink trim and little jewels that decorated the bra piece. Orion was just in white boxers, and his long white hair was loose and spread out all over the pillow he was currently sleeping on.

"You two did more than enough. You should have slept." Finn spoke quietly as he settled into his side. I shifted off Orion to move into Finn's arms.

He gave me a tight hug and whispered, "Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me or Orion. We did what anyone would have done. You and your family deserved to be reunited. All we did was produce the opportunity. Also, thanks should go to Mom who gained their trust before our arrival by saving them."

"Either way, you two didn't have to do all of that. You gave away the one chance for us to have a fancy dinner for a long time," Finn acknowledged and pressed a soft kiss on my forehead. "You gave that up in order for my family to enjoy it while surrounded by new pixies and old friends we've known but lost contact with through our various travels."

"You've done a lot for Orion and me. This is the least we could do for you," I mumbled, resting my head on his chest. I reached out to stroke Orion's arm, and he grabbed the blanket that had been on his left side and tugged on it until it was in his hold like a pillow.

"Blanket Hogger," I grumbled, and Finn chuckled quietly.

"You can let him sleep."

"I promised to wake him up when you arrived," I replied, reaching out to stroke Orion's arm again. It took a little longer than before, but he stirred and turned over, opening his tired eyes to look at us.

"Welcome back, Finn," he mumbled before a yawn escaped him.

"Thanks, Blanket Hogger." Finn grinned, and Orion pouted his lips.

I giggled while I changed my position, adjusting so that I could place my elbows on the bed and rest my head on Finn’s chest. "You know it's true."

"Hmm." Orion sat up and rubbed at his eyes. "What time is it?"

"Four in the morning," Finn replied.

"We seemed to be awake at four all the time," I commented.

"True," Orion replied.

"What have you two been up to at four in the morning?" Finn asked with a knowing grin.

"Nothing." We both glanced away, and Finn chuckled again.