"Because you're blindfolded and love that I'm easily directing you through this maze of a forest when you're a pixie shifter and should be able to do it yourself without my blindfolded unicorn self," I suggested.

He groaned but tightened his hold on my hand. I couldn’t help but smile. I enjoyed that he was willing to rely on me, and it just made this date much more exciting for what was to come.

I continued to lead the way, my hand in Finn's as we walked along the grassy path towards the secret area Mom had prepared for us. It was late at night, and most of the shifters were asleep.

Only the sound of an owl hooting and the crickets singing their nightly song could be heard as we made our way to our destination.

"Cutie Pie, are we almost there?"

"Remind me not to go on road trips with you," I teased.

"It would be fun. We'd enjoy different variations of music during the day as we drove to an amazing, quiet destination, and at night we'd enjoy ourselves in the perfect suites. Not to mention pulling over to the side of the road to enjoy some alone time." He purred the last part, and again, my body went into "fuck me now" overdrive.

"Save that passionate voice for later, Lucky Charms," I mumbled, and he chuckled, clearly sensing my embarrassment. He knew how to turn me on and wasn't afraid to tease me.

I beamed at the lighted path that came into view, the cemented path decorated with gold, pink, and purple lights. As we neared our destination, I had to use my free hand to press it against my chest from the nervousness and excitement building inside me all at once.

We reached a large patio section, one that reminded me of fairy tales where the prince and princess would dance in the center of the garden, surrounded by flowers.

When we got to the wooden steps of the patio area, I warned Finn to watch his step. We made it up the stairs, and I led him to the middle of the white decorated wood that gave us a little shelter from the chilled breeze that blew on and off.

I turned to face my blindfolded pixie and couldn't help but lean up and give him a tender kiss. He smiled against my lips, but I pulled away before it grew into something neither of us would want to stop, especially when we were both in a relaxed frame of mind.

"I go with my gut and conclude that you aren't blindfolded."

"You should believe in my amazing skills, Finn." I reached up to remove the blindfold and watched him open his eyes.

He first met my gaze, an appreciative look forming on his face as he took my happy expression in before he glanced around us at the place we'd be having our date.

"This place...is beautiful. Celestia, how did you know where it was?" His voice held a hint of awe.

"Orion and I discovered it when we took our own tour around the place, and then Mom gave us a more detailed tour. She said Pixies love it here, especially at night. We'd come during the day, and it looked completely different than this. The light wires are made up of vines, and each orb holds a firefly couple! Every night they come to their homes and stay with their loved ones, creating the different lights we see now."

"I never would have expected that," Finn whispered, taking another glance around the place before his gaze landed on mine.

"Did you plan this date?" he asked.

"Yes and no," I replied.

"Yes? No? Maybe so?" He sang the rhyme we learned as children.

I playfully slapped his chest as I grinned at him. "Yes, I did help organize this. I wanted some time with you because I missed you terribly. I was ecstatic that you came along with the others, and I wanted to do something that would make us happy."

"Celestia," Finn whispered and pulled me into a tight embrace. "And what about the no?"

"Well...you have to close your eyes and count to ten to see the next part."

"Are you going to somehow make our dinner appear in front of us?" Finn asked.

"Kind of. Will you survive the ten seconds without starving?" I joked.

"Certainly. Make it 15 for extra measure." He chuckled, and I gave him an appreciative look before I leaned up to give him one more kiss.

When we broke apart, he shot me a peaceful smile before he closed his eyes and began to count to 15. I scanned the area for Orion, and my eyes landed on my handsome purple-eyed lover who also wore a white suit. He silently walked towards us, and I moved out of the way to meet him halfway, leaving Finn in the middle as we went to stand a little to the left behind him.

Orion held my hand and quickly did a cloaking spell, hiding our presence.

"Fifteen." Finn opened his eyes to see us not there. He glanced over to where we were but couldn't see us. He slowly scanned the area with a puzzled look, landing on where Orion stood again, but couldn't see us which left him looking troubled.