The first step into the water was always the hardest, but I'd gotten used to the chilling pain. The feeling reminded me of the Darkness itself, but I knew this was nothing compared to what was to come.

At least when I submerged into the lake, it was silent. Its eerie songs would torment me all night long while Celestia slept.

I continued to walk forward and didn't care that I was a moment away from being submerged in the water. I had to protect it. Even if it took every ounce of me.

My instinct automatically told me to take a breath before my head went into the water, but I held no fear in my mind that I'd drown. I could breathe under here, for some strange reason, which told my subconscious that this was nothing but a dream.One I wished I could wake up from.

Once I reached the very middle of the lake, my eyes landed on our prized possession. The crown I'd been desperately trying to protect from Him.

"Him" was the Darkness. The entity who wanted Celestia for whatever plans He was brewing. Every day He tried to enter her dreams. Some days, there was nothing He could do to intrude on her deep sleep, but other days it was as easy as snapping your fingers.That was when I came in.

I doubted Celestia had noticed my long absence, and even if she had, I'm sure she wouldn't think of anything bad. After the Trial incident, I'd made sure to erase any lingering memories regarding what happened. It was for the best.

Celestia had enough trauma on her plate. She didn't need Him to add more to it. Only half of the truth had been revealed. It was just a matter of time before she found out what her new role would be and how essential she was.I had to try and prevent what was to come...or everything and everyone would be lost to Him.

I reached the rock where the crown was perched. Even with it being underwater, it still glittered with positivity, and for a few seconds, I smiled and thought everything would be okay.

That thought was shattered in the next moment when the black mist began to close in on me from all directions, as usual. I reached out for the crown and sat there on the rock in its place, holding the crown to my chest.

One would question why I didn't wear it, but sadly, it wasn't mine to wear. My goal was only to protect it for its true owner who was fast asleep.

The black mist stopped right at my feet, and I closed my eyes in exhaustion, wishing I wouldn't have to deal with the singing for just one night. I waited for Him to show up, and as if on cue, I felt His presence as goosebumps crawled up my arms.

With a muffled sigh, I opened my eyes to meet His white ones as He smiled at me. The Darkness made up the majority of His body. Only His face peeked out from the black hood He wore to cover His black hair that matched the rest of the darkness around me.

"My Dear Sia. Again with stopping me."

"Better than letting you take over all the dimensions and using Celestia for your plot," I grumbled, my eyes feeling super heavy, but I fought to keep them open.

"Aren't you tired?"

"Yes. I am."

"Then why? You care for a world where you don't belong."

I gulped at His words as I ignored my approaching reality. I knew it wouldn’t be long now. Celestia was growing stronger and more independent.

She would soon begin to harvest more power, and once she knew her purpose, it wouldn't be long until she didn't need my existence anymore.Then I'd be gone...

"I care not for the world, but the people who try to make it a better place," I replied and slowly stood.

"You’d rather make the world happy and be here? Weak and lonely..." He whispered, and for a second I could hear the agony in His voice.

"I'm not weak. I...just need to sleep...for once. Give me just one night to rest, and you can torment me all you want," I muttered as I wobbled side to side. I knew I was standing, but it felt like I was in a whirlpool.

Something held my shoulders, and I struggled to open my eyes. When I finally had the strength for the simple deed, I realized He had caught me. I lifted my head to look at His white eyes that held a level of sadness I rarely got to see.

"The world would call you a fool for protecting something without receiving a reward," He muttered.

I grinned weakly at Him. "Yes, they would. Mock me for my foolishness to continue to fight a tempting invitation from a man who wants to give the stronger part of me his world. In the end, wouldn't I still be alone?" I whispered.

He was silent for a long moment, our eyes locked on one another as He looked deep in thought. "No."


"In my wouldn't disappear. One who can listen to the hymns of my people and continue to come here repeatedly, even on the brink of breaking down, you would deserve a spot where you are praised," He admitted.

My smile widened, but my eyes came to a close. I held the crown as tightly as I could, but I couldn't fight the Darkness today. I was just too tired.