He slowly lowered me to the ground but kept his arms securely around me as he increased the intensity of the kiss.

"I think this is getting into the PG 18 lane," Gabriel whispered.

"Hmm. We should leave them alone and tell Magnor they're going to have sex in the grass," Arielle whispered back.

I snickered, and Finn groaned. It broke the kiss, and he rolled his eyes and huffed, "You two are ruining our moment."

Arielle giggled, and Gabriel grinned, his pink hair glittering in the sunlight. Gabriel reminded me of Orion, his similar height, calm body language, and pink eyes giving him a "holy" appearance. His long hair was currently down, and it shifted from dark purple to pink, almost reminding me of Arielle's hair.

"Wait. Where are the other familiars?" I asked.

"Oh, they're near the forest entrance. Axel's too big to fit through the gate," Arielle replied with a sheepish smile.

"Too big?" I asked.

"He's in dragon form," Gabriel revealed.

"Axel's a Dragon?! You mean Axel aka Theo's familiar?" I asked in shock.I didn't know there were Dragon familiars.

"Me neither until recently,"Arielle replied in my mind.

Gabriel smiled and nodded."The others are in their familiar forms. Noah's there to make sure Axel doesn't burn everything, and Asher stayed asleep."

The Familiars of Aslan was the term I'd given Arielle's group of "friends". Noah, Gabriel, Rainer, Axel, Griffin, and Asher were my boyfriend's temporary familiars before the prank incident that sent Arielle into recovery. The thought reminded me about her arm, and I looked at it in wonder.

Arielle noticed my gaze and gave me an appreciative smile "Faelia healed it for me."

"Ah. Thank goodness." Relief swept through me.

Faelia Blessheart was one of my recent friends that I'd made thanks to Arielle. She took care of many of the familiars at New Aslan and had helped me out during the change room incident when a bunch of girls had attempted to jump me.

I had the situation under control, but it was hilarious to watch them scurry away practically naked at Faelia's sight before Arielle displayed a hint of her power.

"Hellsin and Magnor are coming," Arielle announced, and she and Gabriel began to head towards the two men in question as they appeared from the forest entrance onto the green grass beneath us.

I smiled as I watched them before I turned back to Finn who had a wide smile on his face. "I missed you so much, Cutie Pie. Are you okay? Are you hurt? How's Orion?" He asked the series of questions before he pulled me into another heated kiss.

I melted in his arms, enjoying the taste of him and the way his body pressed against mine. I hadn't realized how much I missed him, making me yearn for the others’ embraces as well.

We pulled back when we were out of breath, and I smiled. "I can't answer when you're kissing me silly."

"Oh," Finn replied and blushed.

I heard a deep chuckle and turned to see Orion and Magnor, who looked as if they had been standing where they were for a while. My cheeks burned, and Finn and I pulled apart.

"Nothing to see here," Finn murmured.

Orion snorted. "Sure."

Finn grinned in response and Orion moved over to hug Finn.

"I surprisingly missed your snoring ass," Orion teased.

"First, that's a horrible way to say you miss someone. Second, I don't snore. Third, since when did you start swearing?" Amusement laced Finn’s tone.

"Celestia said it’s sexy when I swear."

I groaned, and Finn broke out in laughter. "Orion! Oh, boy. Please remember not to admit those things in front of the adults."