"Arielle?!" I said out loud and tried my best to pinpoint her with vision.

"I heard Gabriel too," Orion put forth.

"Who are Arielle and Gabriel?" Harrison asked.

Orion and I briefly turned him to answer. "Our familiars."

"Huh? If you heard them, that means they're past the barrier and in here." Harrison’s brow furrowed.

"Which means Magnor's here," Orlando announced. "Or Hellsin."

We moved closer to the gate, and my face brightened with joy when I saw two individuals flying towards the gate. Their human forms were visible, but they were half-shifted with their gorgeous wings out, allowing them to fly—one had large blue and pink flaming wings, and the other individual’s wings flamed pink and white.

"I'll open the gate, hold on." Mom performed a bunch of magic spells as she made her way forward, and the gold gate began to open. Orion and I exchanged a look of joy before we headed out in a fast walk.

As Arielle and Gabriel came into closer view, I let go of Orion's hand to run towards Arielle. She released Gabriel's hand and lowered closer to the field of green grass, a broad smile on her face as tears formed in her eyes.


"ARIELLE!" I beamed and opened my arms for Arielle's approaching embrace. She landed a few feet from me, and without a skip of a beat, broke into a sprint to meet me.

Right when she was seconds from my hug, she tripped. "BRU-REE!"

"AH!" I exclaimed, trying to skid to a stop, but it was no use as Arielle crashed into me, both of us landing on the green grass.

Instead of cursing, I laughed and wrapped my arms around Arielle. "My clumsy familiar!"

"I'm not clumsy!!!" she countered but was laughing hysterically as she held me tightly. "Mistress! I missed you to pieces."

We rolled in the grass as we held each other firmly, and I finally felt whole again. I'd tried not to linger on it, but you never felt fully complete when your familiar wasn't around. Now that she was in my hold, a wave of relief hit me, and I let my tears of happiness fall as I held her like my life depended on it.

"I missed you more, Arielle. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to worry you, but I couldn't contact you."

"Magnor told me there's a barrier thing that blocks communication from outsiders telepathically! I was so worried, Mistress. I knew you were alive, but I was still scared something bad had happened, Bru!"

We broke apart and sat up. I reached out to ruffle her hair, admiring the long dark purple locks with pink highlights that held bits of amber strands. Arielle’s lingering magic caused the amber strands to glow.

She was still beautiful as always in her human form, and her amber eyes pooled with tears as she stared at me with a grateful expression.

"I'm okay. A few things happened, but I'm almost healed. I had a little injury during the exam, but it's not painful, though I maybe shouldn't have been rolling in the grass," I admitted, feeling a slight nudge of pain in my thigh where I'd gotten injured.

"What happened? Can't we heal it?" Arielle asked, immediately scanning my body until her eyes landed on my left thigh. Her amber eyes became luminescent, and she frowned before returning her gaze to me.

"Why hasn't it healed yet?" she asked with a stern tone.

I had to blink a few times from the switch of her mood from overjoyed to seriousness.

"Um...to be honest, I don't know. Harrison’s going to look at it."

"Who's Harrison?" Arielle asked as she tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Um...that's gonna take a while to explain," I hedged.


Arielle and I both looked to our right, and my eyes grew wide as I saw a familiar Pixie shifter running towards us. Arielle helped me up, and I ignored the pain in my leg as I ran straight into Finn's arms.

"Finn!" I squealed as he lifted me up into his stronghold. I squeezed him tightly, my arms around his neck while those toned arms of his wrapped around my waist and held me up. I leaned back to stare into his tear-filled green eyes, and I immediately leaned down and kissed him passionately.