"I doubt your familiar hates you, Celestia. Have you done anything to receive hate from her?"

"No. I guess it's hard to go from being around my familiar all the time to nothing at all? Not to say she isn't there when I need her to be, but..."

"You miss her."

"Yes," I confessed.

Mom reached out to stroke my cheek with her thumb. "It's okay to miss her, Celestia. I have a familiar, but she's out doing her thing."

I looked up at her with wide eyes. "You do?!"

"Yes. She actually has her own team who help defeat Forsaken. She comes by once in a while, but our bond has grown so strong that she can do her own thing from afar and not need me to be there."

"Weren't you worried about her being too independent?" I asked.

I hadn't been bugging Arielle when she went out for air and didn't come back until hours later, and the one time I did Hunter distracted me.

I didn't mind her relaxing with the other familiars, especially when I knew Noah was a similar breed as her from what Hunter told me, but I just wanted her to not worry about telling me.

"Nope. Some familiars end up that way. With how powerful I was, it wouldn't make sense to have my familiar with me all the time, and she needs to be able to feel confident in her powers and strengths. Once I became a Huntress, we were a part of many missions. My familiar was able to expel all that built up energy she had thanks to my large mana supply. However, once I began doing Alpha Pure and the administration stuff that doesn't require me to be out on the field, it just made my familiar antsy."

"You mean, for those of us who have a higher mana rate, it's good for our familiars to go out and just exert energy and keep themselves occupied?" I asked.

"Yes. It's recommended. I bet you guys haven't gotten the chance to take the Level 2 Advanced Familiar Courses. It's explained how some familiars are dependent on their Master or Mistress, while others need to be able to be free to do what they want. A familiar could be summoned with magic if you desperately need them. It's recommended to let them do their own thing if they are more independent and the Master or Mistress has too much mana. It could be them going out to fly or maybe in Arielle's case, hanging out with her friends and eventually a boyfriend," Mom elaborated.

"Hmm. When you explain it like that, I don't feel as bad."When we get back, I'll talk to Arielle and praise her for being independent recently and let her know she can come to me even if I'm super busy or not feeling well. I want her to at least depend on me.

"As for Orlando," Mom began, but there was a knock on the door."Come in."

The door opened half way to reveal Orlando dressed in casual clothes and sporting a black eye.

Mom and I gawked as he walked in silently and closed the door gently, avoiding our gazes.

"Honey, what happened? Did you get into a fight with Harrison?" Mom rose from the bed and strode over to Orlando. It was the first time I’d seen him in simple attire; the black jeans and dark green t-shirt fit him nicely. His long blond hair was in a ponytail, and a few of the strands laid loosely on the side of his face.

"I'm assuming he got the story of what happened?" Orlando asked.

Mom sighed and inspected Orlando's face. "Who hit who?"

"I walked in, minding my own business, and next thing I knew his fist landed on my face, and then I got lectured for an hour and a half about how shitty a father I am. Oh, and Orion got to watch the whole thing. I don't know if he was amused or horrified." Orlando sighed and flinched when my mother brushed the purplish bruise that took up the majority of the area around his right eye.

Mom tsked and shook her head. "It's your fault. You know Harrison is peaceful until you piss him off."

"But he hit me without even letting me speak. Totally violent behavior for a unicorn!" Orlando whined.

"Stop whining. You deserved it, and I'm still mad at you." Mom huffed and crossed her arms.

Orlando pouted his lips and looked super depressed at her words. "Do you mind if I talk to Celestia alone?"

"I don't, but you should ask her if she wants to talk to you, to begin with." Mom motioned to me on the bed.

Orlando lifted his gaze to lock onto mine. I could immediately see the regret in his purple-green eyes, yet a part of me didn't want to make it easy for him.

"Celestia. Can we talk? Please?" he whispered. The vulnerability in his voice was enough to make me sigh in defeat.

"Sure," I replied.Listening to his reasoning doesn't mean I have to forgive him.

"I'll go and calm Harrison. Knowing him, he's probably playing chess by himself to defuse his anger. Unicorns are rather difficult when they're angry." Mom looked at me with an encouraging smile. She mouthed, "You will be fine," to me.