Mom continued to giggle. "Harrison doesn't need to say anything, Celestia. It's motherly intuition."

"Can't you turn it off?" I muffled into the pillow.

"No, Sweetheart. It's always on."

I groaned again and laid back onto the soft sheets. "Mom?"

"Yes, Celestia?"

"Does your motherly intuition help with giving advice?" I asked, lowering the pillow to my chest as I stared at the high ceiling.

"It surprisingly does. How can I be of service to my loving daughter?" Mom queried.

I smiled and took a deep breath, trying to think of what I wanted to say. "I have a few questions, so I'll just kind of state them all now, and you can elaborate on them?" Mom nodded as she waited for me to continue.

"My boyfriends are amazing. I know you haven't met them all yet, but they each have such unique qualities. Orion is quiet at times, but he has many leadership skills. Finn is the one who loves to make everyone smile and laugh. I like to call him Lucky Charms. He acts silly on purpose, but he's really intelligent and looks out for others. Hunter is Mr. Grumpy. He's not grumpy all the time; he just attempts to be serious. He has his playful side though, and he tries not to show it, but he's very protective of me and even my familiar, Arielle. Theo is the storyteller of the group, and he knows about a lot of things you couldn't find in the library. He's charming and romantic when he wants to be. Cairus is observant whereas Caio loves to analyze and ask questions on a whim. They're an amazing combo in strength and brains." I envisioned each of them in my mind as if they were right in front of me.

"I care dearly for them, but I'm scared I'm going to screw everything up because I'm not balancing myself evenly between them." I sat up with the intention of removing my shoes. "As of now, I've been around Orion and Finn the most, and I know we have similar magic and that's what attracts us to one another, but it's unfair for the rest of the guys. I feel it's only a matter of time before one of them, or maybe all of them, get frustrated?" I explained, slowly taking both my boots off before I sighed.

I crossed my legs in the yoga pose and held the pillow tightly, resting my chin on the fluffy white puff of feathers.

"To be honest, I feel overwhelmed with everything going on, and I don't know how not to feel that way. I don't know what makes me special as a Blessed Child. Will that affect how the rest of school goes when I get back? I'm also dealing with these dark dreams, and I'm apparently a queen, but I don't want to be. Not with the dark presence there. I haven't been able to bond with the other guys yet what with the Trial's we had at school before my confrontation with Dad as well as the incident at school where Arielle got hurt. I'm beyond overwhelmed, Mom, and I don't know what to do."

I lifted my head to look into those knowledgeable eyes. "I want to be the best girlfriend, student, mistress, and daughter I can be, but I'm failing in all those areas. I've been neglecting some of my men; I've had to miss tons of classes because of all the ups and downs in my health; I've been missing out on Arielle's growth...literally, to the point where Hunter's been watching over her when it's my role as her Mistress to be there for her when she's discovering herself. And I feel like a bad daughter because I told Dad that if I died, he shouldn't cry. All these things are happening, and I don't think I can handle everything. What should I do?"

Mom nodded and put her hairbrush down on her white vanity. She stood and walked over to where I sat, sitting next to my right side, and shifted her body so she could give me 100% of her attention.

"Celestia, from everything you just told me, I think you're doing a wonderful job." Mom covered my hands with hers, trapping them in between, and squeezed them in encouragement.

"I don't feel like I am. I've made so many mistakes, and I'm continuing to make them.".

"Sweetheart, you're only one person. You won’t be able to please everyone and be everywhere. With relationships like these, there has to be an understanding and compromise. Life has been chaotic for you, and I assume your boyfriends are aware of this and even witnessed it for themselves. They have to be understanding and meet you halfway in figuring out how they can balance your time. With school happening and all the situations you've dealt with in the recent weeks, it's perfectly normal to feel frustrated and overwhelmed with your lack of time."

"What do I tell them?" I asked.

"Just what you told me. Honesty is what gives longevity to any relationship. Trying to fight through it and continuing to wear yourself down is only going to cause you to crash or explode with frustration. You all have to be on the same wavelength for this to work. It's no different when you have one boyfriend, Celestia. You talk to Orion about your insecurities and concerns, right?"

"Yes...I guess I do."

"Then why can't you with the others?"

"I...don't know? I just don't want to be a burden?"

"You aren't a burden, Celestia. In a relationship, lack of communication leads to unnecessary thinking and assumptions. You want your men to understand what's going on, and they need the reassurance that you are both okay and still in love with them. It's difficult to remind yourself that you don't need to be a hero and carry all the burden in the relationship. Rely on your men, just as they rely on you. Love them just as they love you, and communicate how you feel, especially when you don't know how to handle a situation."

"Okay..." I whispered, lowering my head. "And my familiar and the issues with Dad?"

"You feel you're not a good Mistress to your familiar. Arielle, right?" Mom asked.

I nodded and sighed. "With everything that has happened, I haven't been able to keep an eye on Arielle. I trust her, and I don't think it's necessary to watch her every move, but I know she's reaching adulthood and I feel she's falling for more than just one of the familiars. I know she's not coming to me because she doesn't want to bother me...I just..." I trailed off and pouted my lips.

"You feel a little left out?" Mom asked.

I nodded. "Stupid, right?"

"No. You're like Arielle's mother. When she's entering adulthood and beginning to date and find out who she wants to be, you want to feel involved. I'm sure Arielle wants to tell you all about her adventures and her current progress with her familiar friend or friends, but her Mistress' health comes first. I don't know all the details, but I'm thinking she's just waiting for the right time to tell you, when you're not dealing with all these changes happening with Aslan's intense trial schedule as well as all the other challenges you may have faced till now," Mom explained.

"So, she doesn't hate me?"