Mom being the commander of this place, and I being her daughter, meant I had to wear similar attire. I didn't know if people knew about my existence here, but they were about to find out.

I wore a pink tunic with gold stripes that ran down the cotton material and black tights. The black material of my tights barely showed because of the knee-high white boots and the tunic that fell past my knees.

My hair was in a neat bun, and I wore a gold necklace with a bright pink jewel that sometimes changed to purple depending on the angle the sunlight hit.

What really contributed to the commander look was the mini cape I wore that was very similar to my mother's. The gold cape shifted to pink, and the trimming was purple. I did love the overall look, but I didn't want to draw too much attention.

"I only need to wear this for today, right?" I asked, shooting her a pleading look.

She giggled and nodded in approval. "We just need the shifters to know you will bring no harm to them. A few of them may remember you which will be helpful. Those who don't will know by your attire that you are related to me. I also think our similar resemblance helps a lot."

"Mini-me," I mumbled, remembering when she used to call me that whenever we went out to the market of Versa to get groceries and all the town people would compliment our similarities. Aside from my eyes, I looked exactly like her.

It took me a few seconds to take in what she had said. "Some shifters may remember me?" I asked.

Mom nodded. "Yes. Many of the shifters who witnessed your birth are still with us today. You may meet some of them during our tour."

I turned and walked over to her large four poster bed made of white wood. I sat on the white sheets and looked at Mom, who began to get ready by brushing out the tangles in her long hair.

"Mom," I whispered, unsure if I should bring up my concerns now or later.

Mom looked my way and gave me an encouraging smile."What's troubling you, Sweetheart?"

"A lot of things. I don't know what order to go in," I admitted.

After another lovely night with Orion, I'd discussed with him what I wanted to talk about with my mother, but now that I had the perfect opportunity to confront her about our concerns, my mind was going blank.

"Just let whatever comes to your mind out. I'll answer any questions as best as I can." Mom assured me as she gave me another sweet smile and returned to brushing her hair, waiting for me to continue.

"Well, how long have you known the others? I mean like my dads?" I asked.

"I've known your dads for 30 years, 27 of those were us being married and living together," Mom revealed.

"Who did you meet first?"

"Orlando and Magnor. They were pretty close friends back then, but very opposite. You wouldn't expect them to be friends at first glance. Orlando was the smart nerd who got perfect scores, and Magnor was quiet but also smart and able to strike up a conversation if he had to. They didn't get along in the beginning, but it worked out." Mom sported a small grin as if she were watching her past in the reflection of the mirror.

"How about Harrison and Hellsin?" I asked.

"I met Harrison during our practical exam and Hellsin in my Advanced Magic class. Harrison is an individual who loves making people happy and was known by everyone. He was actually Aslan's Prom King before we graduated. Hellsin was the athletic type, but it didn't matter what he did, whether it was a sport or academics, he always got a perfect score or led the team to victory. He especially loved Magic Football. I don't think they have it at Aslan anymore."

"Isn't that because he's like 8'5"?" I pointed out. "In um...well...hmm...this is awkward." I paused, trying to figure out how it was physically possible for Hellsin to be intimate with my mother, to begin with.

I mean, there's no way you can be 8'5" and have a small cock. Aww, shit. If he's my dad, there's no way I can think like this. Ah, I need holy water to cleanse my thoughts. AHHH!

Mom must have understood what I was trying to discuss. Her cheeks tinted a bright red as she glanced away.

"Hellsin has two forms, Sweetheart. His regular human form and his godly form you see guard the gates of the school," Mom explained.

"Oh. Well, that answers some questions." I muttered and looked away.

Mom laughed, and I turned to look at her. "I can guess what you’re thinking, and that would be impossible. I may be a magician, Celestia, but I can't shrink cock sizes."

Red suffused my face, and I groaned. "Mom, this is extremely embarrassing."

"Really? From my daughter who has six boyfriends and is having a wonderful time with her alicorn lover?" Mom replied and winked at me.

"Mom!!!! How do you? UGH! It was Harrison wasn't it?!" I grabbed a pillow and covered my face. "Kill me now."