Page 81 of Dead Last

“I don’t think so.” I crouched beside Renee and jostled her. “Can you hear me?”

She didn’t stir.

“Is this normal?” Ray asked.

“Do people normally fall asleep in the middle of heated conversations?” I contemplated her size. “How much does she weigh?”

“She’s put on a few pounds since I died. I’d guess one-sixty.”

“I think I can manage that.”

“Are you sure? That’s a lot.”

“Do not dare say that when she’s awake.”

“I can help.” Ray moved to the opposite side of the chair and scrunched his face in a tight ball as he focused on shifting his daughter. Her body inched to the left until I was able to get my arms under her.

Ray rushed to my side and supported some of her weight as I lifted her into my arms. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I didn’t need his help.

“I don’t have a bed in the spare bedroom. I’ll have to take her to mine,” I said.

Ray and I carried her upstairs and placed her in my bed.

“That was impressive poltergeist action, Ray.”

“Me? I can’t believe you. You don’t seem like you could lift more than a heavy box.” He studied me. “Why are you so strong?”

“Years of practice,” I said vaguely.

“Really? I haven’t seen you lift anything heavier than a hammer since you moved in.”

I ignored him, choosing to focus on the immediate problem. “I think she’s in a coma, like Cam.”

“Should we call a doctor?”

“No. I have someone else in mind.”

Ray stroked his daughter’s hair. “I don’t want Alicia to worry. Would you mind if she stays here until Renee wakes up?”

How could I say no? “Fine. Alicia can sleep with her mom. I have a sleeping bag somewhere for me. I’ll find it.”

“Thank you, Lorelei. I know this isn’t ideal.”

“Would you give me a minute alone with your daughter? I’d like to try something.”

Ray looked skeptical. “It doesn’t involve stuffing a pillow over her face, does it?”

I burst into laughter. “Why would I do that?”

“Because you don’t want people in your house.”

“That’s true, but I wouldn’t resort to murder to put an end to my misery. I thought you knew me better than that by now.”

“I was only joking.” He paused. “Sort of.”

“Why don’t you go hunt for my sleeping bag? I think it’s in one of the other closets.”

I waited until he disappeared to sit beside Renee on the bed. I was fairly certain I already knew what I’d find in her head, but I needed confirmation before I made my next move. I placed a hand on her head and closed my eyes.