Page 73 of Dead Last

Officer Leo investigated each downstairs room like it was a crime scene. I could tell he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to discover a hidden room or a trapdoor.

“If you need any help fixing this place up,” he said, “say the word, and I’ll be here with overalls on. I’d consider it a privilege and an honor.”

“I appreciate the attitude. Most people think I’m crazy for investing in this money pit.”

“Ignore them. This is a diamond in the rough, and I bet it’s getting shinier by the day.”

“We’re more in the pressurized carbon phase,” Ray said.

I glared at the ghost. “Slow and steady wins the race,” I replied.

We entered the kitchen, and I poured him a glass of water. He finished it in one long gulp. “Hit me again, bartender. I’m just kidding. I’ll get it.” He filled the glass with water from the tap. “Can I see upstairs? I promise I won’t look at anything you don’t want me to see.”

“Let him look or he might think you’re hiding something illegal,” Ray remarked.

The request seemed harmless enough, and I wanted to stay on the good side of the local police. “Sure,” I said.

He left the glass on the counter, and we walked upstairs. Officer Leo took the same approach to the upstairs as the downstairs. He gazed at the walls. Examined the woodwork. Bent down to touch the inlay of the hardwood floor. He was undeniably smitten with the Castle. I had to admit, it was fun seeing my house through his eyes.

“No hidden doors.” He sounded vaguely disappointed as we returned to the kitchen.

“If I ever find one, you’ll be the first to know.”

“I’ll be dreaming about this place tonight, guaranteed.”

His remark prompted me to ask a follow-up question. “Have you noticed anything strange about your dreams lately?”

He took a long drink of the remaining water before answering. “My dreams are always strange. Sometimes I text them to my parents to make them laugh.”

“He still texts his mother?” Nana Pratt interrupted. “What a keeper.”

I decided to dig a little more. “What about last night’s dream? Anything amusing to share?” I was curious as to whether his dreams had been nonexistent lately like so many others.

He scratched the back of his neck. “I don’t know if I should tell you. We only just met.”

No void then. “I won’t hold it against you. Promise.”

“You won’t think I’m an oddball?”

“We’re all oddballs in our way.”

“True.” He refilled his glass. “I fought a giant anteater. It tried to inhale me with that weird snout thing, but I chased it away.”

“A giant anteater. That’s a new one. How big are we talking?”

“Size of an elephant.”

“How did you chase it away?”

“I dreamed up a bazooka and fired it.”

My mouth dropped open. “You conjured one in the middle of the dream?”

“Yep.” He grinned proudly. “That’s why dreams are awesome. You can make anything you want happen. One time I had a threesome with the hottest twins.” He stopped abruptly. “Nope. Wait. That one actually happened. I was just super drunk.” He cringed. “Inappropriate. Forget I just said that.”

I laughed. “I’m glad you survived the giant anteater.”

“I was lucky to survive the threesome. Turns out they both had a weird jealous side.”