Page 70 of Dead Last

“Lucky me. I might get to poke someone in the ass with Poseidon’s trident. Are you here to tell me the details?”

She switched off the monitor and approached me. “You’re to arrive at an undisclosed location at the date and time assigned to you. Be sure to eat healthy and not perform any strenuous activities between now and then.”

“If it’s an undisclosed location and an unknown date and time, how am I supposed to know when and where to go?”

She peeled off my patches. “We’ll send you advance notice and a driver to collect you. It’s typical to expect a text within the week.”

“It sounds like it won’t be the same elixir I drank today.”

“No, Dr. Edmonds chooses for you based on the previous assessment and today’s patch test.”

“Weird question—has anyone ever been given an elixir for Dantakali?”

Her eyes narrowed. “As a matter of fact, yes. Why do you ask?”

“Because I’m trying to picture the goddess in an MMA-style fight. It isn’t going well.”

She lowered her voice. “To be fair, it wasn’t Dr. Edmonds’ best work.”

“Did she win?”

Her expression soured. “No.”

“Because she couldn’t figure out her abilities fast enough?”

“More or less. The obscure ones are always tricky for the fighters. I’ll leave you to get changed now.”

I dressed quickly, not wanting to remain here a second longer than necessary. I tossed my gown into the trashcan and hurried to the exit.

True to his word, Albert waited outside. “I heard you passed.”

“I did.”

He opened the passenger door. “I’m sorry.”

I returned to the warmth and comfort of the seat. “I thought you said you didn’t know what came next.”

“I lied.” He walked around to the driver’s side and sat beside me. “I used to be more upfront, but my honesty became a liability, so Mr. Magnarella advised me to use more discretion.”

“You’re a good liar.”

“I don’t consider that a compliment.”

“Are you the one who picks me up for the fight?”

“Guilty.” He did a three-point turn to leave the compound.

“What’s to stop me from dodging the fight?”

“The contract you signed. It also prevents you from talking about it.”

“I read the provisions. I don’t recall any of that.”

“It’s there. Trust me. You don’t want to violate the contract. Mr. Magnarella excels in the legal area.”

No doubt.

“I’m sorry I misled you,” he said, as we passed through the compound gates to the road.