Page 63 of Dead Last

“Obviously not, or I wouldn’t be so curious.”

I opened my purse for cash. “You said you have what you need from me. I’ll leave you to your cocktail.”

Naomi held up a thick credit card. “Save your pennies, Lorelei. This is a corporate expense.”

I closed my purse and swung the strap over my shoulder. “Enjoy your Michelin Star cafeteria food.”

I made my way to the exit without a backward glance. I didn’t realize how much her curiosity rankled me until I reached the parking lot and my legs nearly buckled beneath me. Her personal questions had been unexpected and unwelcome.

I sagged against the truck, waiting for my fear to transform into relief. Naomi’s work was done here. She’d leave soon and never bother me again.

A shadow fell over me, and I looked up to see Kane’s concerned face looming over me. “Feeling unwell, Miss Clay?” he asked in a silky voice.

“Just collecting myself. Did she see you come out here?”

“No, she went to the restroom. I overheard most of the conversation. Which part unsettled you?”

“It was Solomon’s photo,” I lied. “I hope this is the end of it.”

“Same. I don’t want The Corporation anywhere near you or this town again.”

“You don’t need to worry about me.” I turned and unlocked the truck door in an effort to put distance between us. “You might want to send out the real bartender before she gets back to the table. I have a feeling she’ll be making you an offer you can’t refuse.”

“Like your Magnarella?”

Exhaling, I turned to face him. “He isn’tmyMagnarella.”

“If you say so. I’ll retire to my quarters until she leaves. Now that we have the result we want, it’s best I don’t engage her in conversation at this point.”


He glanced at the club and back to me. “Miss Clay…”

“Mr. Sullivan.” He was close enough now that his musky scent engulfed me. His full lips parted. He looked like he wanted to kiss me. Even worse, I realized that I wanted him to do it.

This was very, very bad.

“Lorelei,” he said softly.

“I need to go.” I jerked open the truck door and eased inside. It was a good thing my defenses were already up because the result of that lip lock could’ve been disastrous.

“We make a good team,” he said. “It’s not the kind of thing I experience very often. Ruling your own circle of hell is a lonely business.”

“What about you and Josie?”

“We’re a different sort of team.”

My mind recollected Ray’s earlier comparison to him and his wife. “This is as far as our teamwork can go, Kane,” I said, injecting as much meaning into the statement as I could.

“I may be a demon prince, but you have no reason to fear me.” His voice was a hoarse whisper.

“I don’t fear you, your flaming sword, or your inner beast. Not even a little.”

He searched my face for answers. “Then what is it?”

“You’re not my type.” I nearly choked on the lie. Kane was a bastion of strength, charm, and power—he was everyone’s type.

“Now I know you’re lying,” he said. “I’m everyone’s type.”