Page 49 of Dead Last


“And I want to know what it is.”

“Why not keep our secrets?”

“Because this isn’t the one you arrived with. This is a new one.”

His remark caught me off guard. “What makes you say that?”

“Because I… I’ve gotten to know you. I can tell the difference when… “

I had to admit, I was enjoying his attempt to explain without saying more than he cared to. It was highly entertaining.

“I’m glad this amuses you,” he said.

Oops. So much for my poker face.

I folded my arms. “If I haven’t told you yet, then I must have a good reason, right?”

“Or you’re simply too stubborn to ask for help when you need it.”

“I’m fine. Pinky promise.”

“I don’t want your pinky promise. I want to know that I won’t find you decapitated in a creek!” His voice thundered in my ears.

I stared at him. “You’re worried about me.”

“Of course I’m worried about you. Haven’t I made that clear?”

“I thought…” I didn’t know what I thought. That he didn’t mean it? That it was all a game to him? I lobbed a grenade to break the tension and distract us both from the current topic. “Someone came to see me from The Corporation.”

That did the trick. The coldness in his eyes gave way to concern. “What did they want?”

“A minion named Naomi Smith has questions about the report they received from Bruce.”

“What did you tell her?”

“Nothing, but she isn’t going away. She asked the chief questions, too.”

“I thought Bruce said he’d take care of them.”

“I’m sure he did his best. The Corporation is a bureaucracy. It’s right there in the name. Miss Smith came equipped with a fat file and a red pen.”

Kane stuffed his hands in his trouser pockets. “She hasn’t been to see me.”

“Lucky you.”

“No, I mean she would have if my name had been mentioned. It suggests Bruce kept his word to protect us and take the blame.”

I considered the possibility. “Then maybe she is here to cross some t’s and dot a few i’s.”

“You should talk to her. Gauge what she knows.”

She could tell I was a supernatural and that she couldn’t identify the type. That was already more than I wanted to share.

“Invite her to the club for a chat,” Kane suggested. “I’ll hover in the background and swoop in if her questions become too invasive.”

“I’ll consider it.”