Page 43 of Dead Last

Otto’s head lifted slightly. “What do you intend to do, Lorelei?”

“I don’t know yet, but gathering all the information I can seems like a smart idea.”

“If you kill him, you’ll put a target on your back, and your front.”

“Really? Even if I cut off the head? Is this a hydra situation?”

“No, this is devout loyalty. Think of Vin as more of a cult leader than a crime boss. He inspires dedication and commitment.”

“No threats of violence or force?”

“Not among his network. Your friend the swan is different. She’s a tool to him, the means to an end.”

“What end, though?”

“That I don’t know. I suppose that’s what you’ll have to find out.”

I looked at the small vampire. “It can’t be good that he has a team dedicated to developing elixirs that mimic the power of the gods.”

“I’d say not.”

I drummed my fingers on the table. “So, no weaknesses?”

“Of course he has weaknesses. There isn’t a being on earth that lacks them.”

“But you won’t tell me what his are.”


“Because you’re still weirdly loyal to him.”

“No, because I’m weirdly loyal to you. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“You won’t.”

He frowned. “Is that a blind joke?”

I cringed. “Gods, no. I just mean I won’t get hurt.”

Otto chuckled. “I was teasing. I knew what you meant.”

“Wow. Now I understood why you two were friends. Two dicks in a pod.”

His laughter rumbled through the room.

“I’m not planning to kill him,” I admitted. “I only want to know what I’m getting myself into.” And how to get out of it, if necessary.

“Well, you have friendly relations in high places. That should count for something, even with Vincenzo.”

“It didn’t help Dusty. Why should it help me?”

Otto smiled demurely. “You should take me with you the next time you go.”

“Go where?”

“The Devil’s Playground. I’d like to hear live music, and I’d be more inclined to go there with you as my companion.”

His vulnerability struck a chord in me. “They don’t have it every night, but we can check the schedule.”