Page 107 of Dead Last

The door was unlocked. Men and their sheer arrogance never ceased to amaze me, especially after they’d already dealt with the escaped baku. I guess they figured I wasn’t as smart.

Their mistake.

I carted the baku’s body down the long corridor and through the wing of the compound until I reached the foyer of the main house. A butler moved to intercept me, took one look at my unwelcome package, and walked away at a brisk pace.

I heard the sound of polite laughter tinkling from the dining room. Mr. Magnarella was entertaining company. Humiliations galore. Perfect.

Another member of staff caught me before I reached the door. Linda, the assistant I’d met the day I came for lunch. She was less fazed by the sight of my delivery than the butler—because woman.

“I’m here to see your boss.”

“I’m afraid he’s having brunch with guests at the moment. Do you have an appointment?”

I was impressed by her composure. “No.” I shook the end of the baku’s limp body. “But I think he’ll want to see me regardless. I have to return an item I borrowed. It’s defective.”

The look on my face seemed to penetrate her thick layer of professionalism because she wisely ducked out of the way. “Do me a favor and give me a head start,” she whispered. “I don’t want him to know I was here.”

I nodded and stood with my hand poised to turn the knob. Once she disappeared around the corner, I pushed open the double doors and strode into the room, still dragging the baku behind me. The room fell silent as I approached the table. I heaved the corpse onto the table and watched it land next to the breadbasket. A woman screamed.

I leveled Magnarella with a look that would’ve melted glass. “If you ever come near me, Dusty, or Kaleigh again, you’ll find yourself on a platter on this very table with an apple shoved into every available orifice. Understood?”

Somebody cleared their throat.

Magnarella looked at me. Even without showing his fangs, I could feel the anger and hostility emanating from him. He wanted to kill me right here, right now.

I’d like to see you try, buddy.

His guests must’ve been Very Important People because he maintained his genteel demeanor.

“Message received, Miss Clay. Until we meet again.” He gestured to a member of staff. “Clean off the table, Evander. No need to subject our guests to unnecessary germs.”

I turned and marched out of the room, not bothering to close the doors behind me.

“Who was that?” I heard a lady ask in a stage whisper.

“A disgruntled employee,” the vampire replied. “Nothing to be concerned about. Another mimosa, Pippa?”

There was no sign of Kaleigh when I exited the compound, but the gates were open, which was a good sign. Hopefully, she’d leave town and never look back.

The sun was shining as I passed through the gates. Even in my red T-shirt and shorts, I didn’t feel the cold. I was too invigorated by my show of strength. A car pulled alongside the curb and screeched to a halt.

Not just any car, a Rolls-Royce Ghost.

The passenger-side door popped open. “Get in,” a voice commanded.

I got in. “I can’t decide if your timing is impeccable or really shitty,” I said.

Kane put the car in reverse and turned onto the road. “The event was chaotic. I searched everywhere to find you until I realized they’d whisked you away. I managed to recover your phone.” He tossed it onto my lap. “I went back to the club to regroup and called Magnarella.”

“I’m sure he was thrilled.”

“He refused to take my call. I decided to let him refuse me in person.”

I looked at him sideways. “You were going to violate your agreement with Magnarella for me?”

“Am I driving you home?” he asked without answering my question.

“Yes, please. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m covered in blood and guts.”