Page 11 of Dead Last

“Does it matter? We both know you don’t have plans.”

Ouch. “Just because it’s true doesn’t mean you need to say it out loud.”

“Lunch tomorrow at his place. Noon. I’ll pick you up at eleven-thirty.”

“He’s allowing me to bring an entourage?”

“Under the contract, Dusty is allowed to be present.”

“What if he rejects me?”

“Then she has to find someone else until he agrees.”

I groaned. “Theoretically he can reject everyone she offers. Is there a chance he’s misunderstood and deep down he’s a mobster with a heart of gold?”

“No. They’re all land pirates.”

I responded with an inelegant snort.

“But I don’t think he’ll reject you,” Gun continued. “It’s in his interest to find someone who can pass the test. He’s not trying to stick it to Dusty.” He paused. “Let me rephrase. He wants someone to drink this elixir and get a certain result. The more test subjects, the better the odds.”

I agreed with him. Magnarella had wanted her to display the powers of Zeus. Dusty was useless to him as a swan though.

“Tomorrow doesn’t give me much time for research.”

“What’s to research? You show up and dazzle him, then you pass the stupid test so my sister can stop being a bird.”

I decided not to argue, although the idea of walking into a lion’s den without learning about lions seemed like a bad call.Know with whom you’re having the pleasure, Pops used to tell me. It was an adage that had served me well in the years since then.

I hung up the phone and debated my options between now and noon tomorrow. There weren’t many.

I called Otto Visconti. Although the vampire was reclusive, he paid attention. He’d likely know something about Magnarella.

His housekeeper Heidi answered the phone.

“Is Otto available?”

“He’s entertaining a guest at the moment. Can I take a message?”

“It’s Lorelei. What kind of guest are we talking about? An overnight one?”

Heidi hesitated. “It’s looking good,” she whispered.

I thanked her and hung up. “Shit,” I said.

“Language,” Nana Pratt protested.

“I have a problem.”

“Then use your words.”

“I did. I said ‘shit’ to alert you.”

“What’s the problem?” Ray asked.

“I need intel about a local mobster, and I need it fast.”

Ray’s head bobbed. “Seems obvious to me. Talk to your devil friend.”