Page 74 of Dead Last

Nana Pratt looked stricken. “Are there any nice young men left in the world?”

“The dream was a close one, though,” he continued. “I must’ve been thrashing in my bed because I woke up with a red mark on my cheek.” He tapped the spot. “It’s gone now, I think.”

“I don’t see it.”

“I thought about covering it with makeup. I didn’t want Chief Garcia to see it and think I got in a bar brawl.”

“Is that the kind of thing you do?”

He grimaced. “I’ve been in my share of scrapes, but only when it’s justified. I’m not pumped so full of testosterone that I can’t make good decisions.”

“Except when enticed by a pair of temptresses,” Nana Pratt mumbled.

“Thanks for the tour, Lorelei. This has been the highlight of my week.”

“Glad to hear it.”

He set the empty glass in the sink, and we walked outside together. The temperature had crept up to a balmy fifty since this morning. I noticed Ray had managed to relocate Buddy to the front of the cemetery. Officer Leo noticed, too.

“Intruder!” He streaked across the lawn and tackled the figure to the ground. He managed to punch half the straw out of the fabric before he realized it wasn’t a person. So much for not being pumped so full of testosterone that he can’t make good decisions.

“It’s a scarecrow,” I yelled.

He shot to his feet and tried to set the scarecrow upright. “Sorry. I didn’t notice it earlier. I thought you had a trespasser.” Each time he let go of the scarecrow, it would tip over, prompting him to catch it. The whole thing was so comedic that I couldn’t bring myself to pitch in.

“Lorelei, this is cruel and unusual punishment, even for you,” Ray said.

“I don’t want to humiliate him by helping,” I whispered.

“Fine. I’ll do it.” Ray floated across the lawn to the struggling cop and pushed against the scarecrow to keep it from falling. This time, Officer Leo was able to secure it in place. He punched his fist in the air and turned back toward me for validation.

“Good job,” I called.

He bowed with a flourish before continuing across the bridge. After the incident with the scarecrow, I was afraid he might fall in. I watched until he passed safely through the gate.

“Do you think he’ll be back?” Nana Pratt asked wistfully.

“No clue.”

Nana Pratt stared at the horizon. “I think Chief Garcia showed good sense hiring someone like him. Officer Lindley wasn’t nearly as pleasant.”

Ray blew a dismissive raspberry. “You ladies were too dazzled by his pecs to see he’s a few bricks short of a wall.”

Nana Pratt gasped. “Bite your tongue, Ray Bauer. I haven’t even seen his pecs yet.”

He chuckled. “I like the hopefulness of the word ‘yet.’”

“You should date him, Lorelei,” Nana Pratt said. “He’s a strapping young man with a bright future ahead of him. You’d make gorgeous children together.”

“I don’t think we’re a match,” I said. “He’s sweet, but not my type.”

“Why not date him for a little while, just to be sure?” Nana Pratt urged.

I looked at her. “This is for the sole purpose of seeing him naked, isn’t it?”

She recoiled. “That’s indecent.”

“Oh, come on. You think if I date him, it will give you a chance to ogle him without a shirt.”