Page 6 of Dead Last

“Because no one else likes me,” Gun said.

“Bullshit. Everybody likes you.”

He smirked. “I know. They really do. It’s a heavy burden I must bear alone.” He plucked a loose thread on his trousers. “It’s because nobody else would’ve agreed to get involved and risk ending up on Kane’s bad side.”

I arched an eyebrow. “You think I want to end up on his bad side?”

“I think you aren’t afraid of our demon prince, and he seems to like you. If he finds out you waded into forbidden waters, he may not kill you.”

I grunted. “Death is the consequence for violating the gentleman’s agreement?”

“Or banishment. Depends on his mood.”

“He can’t banish me from the Castle. I own it.”

“Maybe so, but Sullivan owns this town in his own way. If he’s pissed at you, you’ll be packing your bags. Trust me. I’ve seen it happen.”

I leaned my back against the counter. “What makes you think I’m not afraid of him?”

“Because I have eyes,” Gun said. “I’ve seen you two interact. That isn’t fear I see.”

“Then what is it?” I asked, mildly curious.

“I don’t think you want the answer.”

“Gun says you two have the hots for each other,” Dusty honked.

“Gun must be spending time in an alternate reality.” My gaze skated to Dusty. “If you can’t change back, how would you feel about living on my moat?”

The swan trumpeted.

I shrugged. “Worth a try.”

“I’ll pay you for your trouble, of course,” Gun said. “Maybe then you’ll finally invest in some furniture, or at the very least a coat rack.”

“No promises. The list of necessities is long.”

Dusty’s gaze turned hopeful. “Then you’ll do it?”

The combination of money and a swan in distress was too great to ignore. “I’ll do it.”

“Thank you, Lorelei,” Gun said. “I know it’s a lot to ask, payment or not.”

It was, but I was also curious to discover what a dangerous guy like Magnarella intended to do with the god elixir. The best way to accomplish that was to participate in the experiment.

“We should get going,” Dusty said. “We don’t want to miss the trick-or-treaters.”

Gun smiled as he lifted his sister off the chair. “Dusty’s going to sit outside and critique their costumes as they walk by. It’ll totally freak them out.”

I accompanied them to the front door, and we stepped onto the porch.

“Hell’s bells!” Gunther lunged forward and karate-chopped a carving knife to the wooden floorboards.

“Hey!” Ray stared in dismay at the messy hole in the pumpkin.

“Ray was holding the knife,” I explained. “He’s making a jack-o’-lantern.”

Gun groaned. “I forgot about your Caspers. I thought you had an invisible assassin.”