Page 32 of Dead Last

“I’d like to ask a few questions, if you don’t mind,” I interjected.

West quickly added, “You’ll all get your chance to ask questions at the end of the meeting.” He knew his audience.

“You’re the one who said you didn’t even want her here, and now you’re inviting her to meetings,” Xander grumbled. “I don’t get it.”

West’s face turned stony. “Outside. Now.”

The young werewolf looked ready to melt into his chair. “What?”

“We’re here to solve problems, not create new ones. You’re no longer welcome at this meeting. Now get out before I throw you out myself.”

Okay, maybe not entirely democratic.

The outspoken werewolf slunk out the door without a backward glance.

“Xander’s young and headstrong,” Dottie whispered. “Don’t be so hard on him.”

“The fact that he’s young and headstrong is exactly why I need to be hard on him.” West rose to his feet. “Anybody else want to question me or complain about the way I’m addressing the current issue?”

The wolves suddenly found the wood grain on the table fascinating.

“Lorelei, you have the floor,” West said in a quiet voice.

I turned my attention to the rest of the werewolves. “I understand there’s a sleep problem affecting the pack.”

“Not the whole pack,” Anna said. “West only invited those of us affected.”

I counted five if I included the hot-tempered outcast. “And you all missed the full moon last night?”

Heads bobbed.

“Normally, I’d run all night when there’s a full moon,” Bert said. “It’s the night I have the most energy.”

“Do any of you remember your dreams?” I asked.

“I didn’t dream,” a young woman said. “I slept like a rock. My mind was nothing but a big black hole.”

“Same as Shoshanna,” Anna chimed in. “But I don’t get why I’m so tired. I slept ten hours. I should be refreshed.”

No dreams. Still tired.

“And you’re the only ones who’ve experienced this?” I asked.

“As far as we know,” West replied. “I held a meeting, and they were the ones who raised their hands.”

“Do you have anything in common from the night before?” I prodded. “Did you eat the same food or watch the same show?”

“Most of us ate the same meal and watched the same show,” Shoshanna said. “It was family night.”

Family night. How sweet.

“Nobody went trick-or-treating?” I asked.

“We don’t participate in that,” West said. “It’s for humans.”

“A lot of events are for humans, but you show up anyway,” I pointed out.

“No trick-or-treating,” West confirmed. “The pups painted pumpkins and baked cupcakes right here.”