Page 64 of Dead to the World

My chest tightened; Steven was a devoted brother. Despite her predicament, I was envious of Ashley for having someone who cared about her as much as Steven did.

“Did he tell you where to bring the money?”

“He wants to meet at midnight at the Knob.”

“Is that a bar?”

Steven snorted. “No, it’s part of a hiking trail where you get a scenic overlook. It’s out past Monk’s and the pet resort.”

“In other words, it’s dark and isolated.”

Steven was quiet for a moment. “It’s worth it if I get her back. She’s the only family I have.” He hesitated. “The only living family.”

I understood more than he knew. “I’ll go with you.”

He released a breath. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

“But don’t bring any money.”

“What? How can I not bring the money?”

“Because if they really know where she is, then they’re probably the ones who kidnapped her in the first place.”

“Then they’re dangerous, right? We should give them what they want.”

“I’ll give them a gift instead. Don’t worry; they’ll thank me for it.” Okay, the latter part was a lie, but I hoped to reassure him.

“Should I pick you up?”

“No, meet me at my house. We’ll take my motorcycle.”

“You can’t take motorized vehicles on the trail. People get in trouble for riding ATVs through there all the time.”

“I don’t think we’re going to get a ticket, Steven. Live a little.” We couldn’t approach on foot, not when I had no idea who would be waiting for us at the end of the trail. There could be unscrupulous werewolves who could easily outrun us. I couldn’t take the chance.

I tucked my phone in my pocket and returned to the room. “I assume you heard all that. My part, at least.”

“Both parts.” He tapped his ear. “Vampire hearing, remember?”

“Any thoughts?”

“Why would they wait so long to demand a ransom?”

“Agreed. It doesn’t bode well.”

“Bring a weapon. If you intend to ride a motorcycle, I’d park it a fair distance from the meeting point.” He tapped his ear again and repeated, “Vampire hearing.”

“Do you think vampires might have made the call?”

“This is Fairhaven, Miss Clay. Any number of supernaturals could be behind the call, and many of them have exceptional hearing.”

“I’ll keep it mind, thanks. Compliments to the chef on the food. Everything was incredible. Thank you for your hospitality.”

“My pleasure, Miss Clay. Before you go, will you tell me who you are?”

“Clark Kent.”

His sigh was tinged with disappointment. “Same time next week?”