Page 62 of Dead to the World

“I don’t understand.”

I looked at the old woman. “It’s best if you don’t.” I left the balcony without another word.


AVisconti isn’t the only one who keeps his word. As promised, I returned to Otto’s house to pay the vampire a social call, although my primary motivation was to find out whether he had any news about Ashley.

The housekeeper was friendlier when she answered the door, even greeting me by name. She escorted me to the same room as my last visit. This time, however, a chess set awaited me, as well as a buffet table laden with platters of food. Otto sat at the table with the chess set on the side with the black pieces.

“Are you expecting a small army?” I asked.

“I wasn’t sure of your preferences, so I requested a smorgasbord.”

“Well, you definitely got one.” I plucked a purple grape from the bunch and ate it.

“I thought we might play chess while I share what my inquiries yielded.”

“I’m not very good at chess. I’m more of a checkers girl.”

“Then I’ll teach you.”

“I thought you were going to play the piano for me.”

“Not to worry, I will. I’ve prepared my selections in advance.”

“I expected nothing less.” I heaped food on my plate, fully intending to return for a slice of chocolate cake.

“This board will be slightly different from what you’re accustomed to,” he explained.

“I told you; I’m not accustomed to any chessboards.” I sat opposite him and studied the board, which had been adapted to accommodate his blindness. “The white squares are raised.”

“Very good. And the black squares are sunken. See? You’re already learning.”

“And what did you learn about the trafficking claims?” I asked, diving right in.

“I spoke to three credible sources, and each one expressed bafflement. They were curious as to the origin of the claim.”

“I’ve heard it from multiple camps now.”

“Interesting. There’ve been no recent disagreements between the vampires and other groups, so it doesn’t seem to be a retaliatory act.”

“It could just be one of those rumors that takes on a life of its own.” I’d endured more than one of those during my years in school.

“I don’t know. The grapevine in Fairhaven tends to be surprisingly accurate.” He offered a brief overview of the game. “If you have any questions as we play, don’t hesitate to ask.”

I tried to strategize and follow the rules, but my mind kept pulling me back to Ashley. Otto’s repeated suggestions went in one ear and out the other.

“I’m sorry I’m not very good company,” I said.

“It is interesting.”

I leaned against the back of my chair. “Why interesting?”

“I wouldn’t expect you to be so involved. It’s one thing to strike a bargain, but I get the distinct sense that you care.”

“I care about falling down on the job. I told Steven I’d help him. If Ashley dies, then I haven’t held up my end of the bargain.”

“From what I understand, you didn’t promise to save her. You promised to help him find her. The two are not the same.”