Page 22 of Dead to the World

“I wasn’t expecting to find her chained in your basement.” Although now that I’d met him, it wouldn’t surprise me to findsomeonechained there. “Have you heard anything about missing young women? There’s a human trafficking theory flying around.”

“Why is someone of your obvious stature interested in a missing human?”

“I made a deal with her brother.”

Otto tilted his head toward me. “Why not compel me to answer?”

“I can’t perform magic, Mr. Visconti.” He was probing for more information about me. The truth was I had no direct control over the undead, only influence, and without knowing Otto’s age, I wasn’t sure I’d be successful. The older the vampire, the more resistant he was to my power. It didn’t stop them from being uneasy around me though. Like Otto, they oftentimes sensedsomethingabout me, even if they didn’t know exactly what.

Otto seemed satisfied by my response. “How about I make you a deal then? If you can tell me how many beats per minute this is,” he said, motioning to the metronome, “I’ll answer your questions.”

“Eighty-six,” I said. “I also have perfect pitch in case you were wondering.” I didn’t get many opportunities to boast about that particular skill.

His lips peeled back, showing off a set of polished fangs. “Sing for me. I’d love to hear it.”

“I’m only here for one purpose, and it isn’t a solo.”

Otto tilted his head. “You used to play.”

“Not anymore.”

“You miss it. I can hear it in your voice.”

“The information, Otto. We made a deal.”

Otto nodded. “And a Visconti always keeps his word.”

“I assume the rumors of human trafficking involves vampires. Know anything about that?”

“Nonsense. We have systems in place to keep the peace. There would be no need for us to resort to criminal activity.”

“Would you be in the loop if they were?” Otto was old but he was also a recluse. It was possible younger vampires were breaking the rules behind his back.

He stared at me with milky white eyes. “I thought your interest was in one missing girl. I don’t see what importance any other girls have. They are, by your account, still alive.”

“I think it’s obvious. If vampires are trafficking people, Ashley could be one of them.”

Gently, he stroked a key. “If there are vampires committing such heinous acts, I have no knowledge of it. I no longer touch human blood. Everybody who knows me knows that.”

“Do you mind me asking why?”

Otto snorted. “You ask as though no one’s told you the story.”

In fact, no one had, but I played along nonetheless. “Stories take on a life of their own. I’m interested in your version of events.”

Otto directed his absent gaze at the wall ahead. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” The vampire seemed to have forgotten his earlier unease.

“I moved here to forget mine.”

He smiled at that. “Bourbon helps too.” He played a scale. “I was an arrogant and unpleasant vampire once upon a time who paid a price for my behavior.”

Once upon a time? More like here and now. “And you’ve been off human blood ever since?”

“I have no choice. The curse prevents me from drinking human blood. One drop and I’ll perish. The blindness was an unexpected consequence.”

“Of the curse?”

“Of me trying to stop the curse from happening.” Otto paused. “The one who cursed me no longer lives, in case you’re wondering.”