Page 90 of Dead to the World

“What would you do?” I opened the door of the truck and climbed behind the wheel.

He contemplated the question. “Search the room for signs of the occult. Perhaps she summoned a demon and was taken. Have you considered that?”

“Maybe I would have if you’d been up front about the crossroads sooner. Get in.”

On the drive to Ashley’s, I called Otto to break the news about Anya because it seemed like the right thing to do. He took it well; like most vampires, he had experience with loss.

“It wasn’t vampires,” he said. “The severed head was a mistake. We would never do that. It wastes too much blood.”

“Not even a vampire suffering from bloodlust?”

“Then she would’ve been drained dry, and it sounds like she wasn’t.”

I snuck a quick peek at Kane, who’d said the same.

“Knowing Anya’s proclivities for sex and violence, she would’ve enjoyed an overly enthusiastic vampire, as you put it.” Otto paused. “I thought I would feel happy when she was finally hoisted by her own petard.”

“But you don’t?”

“No, I feel only pity for her. Is there any chance you could speak to her spirit and find out what happened to her?”

“She wasn’t there. I assume she crossed over before I got there.” Not all spirits wanted or needed my help.

“Then her soul is at rest.”

“I believe it is.”

“That is some comfort. Thank you.” He hung up.

Kane raised his eyebrows. “A show of kindness for Otto Visconti? My, you really are full of surprises.”

I gripped the steering wheel. “It wasn’t kindness. It was… I just thought he should know.”

I could feel Kane’s smirk the remainder of the drive to the house. I parked in the driveway of the modest two-story house and was relieved to see Steven’s car there. I wondered how much it was costing him to take time off work during this crisis. He was already in over his head with his parents’ mortgage, according to the chief.

I rang the doorbell and glanced at Kane. “Minimal speaking. I don’t want to frighten Steven.”

The door split open, revealing a sleepy Steven with a stubbled jawline. He wore a wrinkled T-shirt and running shorts. “Hey,” he said groggily.

“I’m sorry we woke you.”

He rubbed his eyes. “You didn’t. I keep trying to sleep, but my mind won’t turn off.”

I knew how that felt. “This is Kane Sullivan. He’s helping me.”

“Any news?” Steven’s voice cracked with hope.

“No, but there’s something I haven’t tried yet.” There was no way I was telling him about Anya, not when he looked like he was on the cusp of a breakdown.

“What is it?”

“I can’t tell you.”

Steven gave me a searching look. “Can’t or won’t?”

“Won’t,” I said firmly. I came to Fairhaven to start fresh. I wasn’t about to reveal my secret now, and to a human. Someone like Steven, with only minimal knowledge of the supernatural world, would see me as a threat instead of an ally. The fact that I could communicate with ghosts was likely outside of his comfort zone, but he was willing to grin and bear it for Ashley’s sake. Any more information would tip the scales of tolerance.

Steven tugged at his unkempt hair, appearing to arrive at a decision. “Okay. What do you need from me?”